Luncheon Scheduled for Potential Winamac Hotel Investors

Potential investors and others with an interest in seeing that a hotel for business travelers is built in Winamac are invited to a luncheon next week to discuss the project and get more information. Wisconsin-based Cobblestone Development wants to build a 44-bed facility, and a recent feasibility study found the community can support a 40-room property. Pulaski County Economic Development Director Nathan P. Origer has scheduled an informational meeting Wednesday, Nov. 20 at noon EST at the Winamac Event Center at the corner of Logan and Adams Streets and encourages anyone whose business might be interested in investing in or financing the project to attend. Origer says his office is very serious about moving forward to see that the structure is built and encourages anyone who wants to attend the informational meeting to RSVP by Friday to (574) 946-3869 or

Cobblestone Development specializes in building budget friendly accommodations for business travelers and others in small communities like Winamac. Developer John F. Seibert says the accommodations would be similar to those offered by a Holiday Inn Express or Hampton Inn. He adds hotels like the one his company is proposing take about five months to build.

Candidate Filing for 2014 Election in January


Candidate filing for the 2014 election is just two months away. Several members of the community have already announced intentions to seek their party’s vote for a chance to win a seat in local elections.

Starke County Clerk Evelyn Skronski said the first day to file for candidacy is Jan. 8, 2014. Her position is up for election in 2014 as well as prosecutor, auditor, sheriff, coroner, assessor, county commissioner district 2, county council districts 1-4, and Center Township assessor. The at-large and North Bend Township seats on the Culver Community School Board are up for election, as well as the California Township, Washington Township and Center Township Seat 1 on the Knox Community School Board and the District 1-3 seats on the Oregon-Davis School Board.

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Winamac Seniors Present Policy Proposal to School Board

Dan Foster
Dan Foster

The Eastern Pulaski School Board heard a presentation from a group of seniors who developed a “bring your own device” policy as a class project for the board to consider for second semester.

Superintendent Dan Foster explained that this policy would allow students to bring in their own iPad, laptop, smart phone or technology device for use during the second semester. The seniors felt that they weren’t being treated fairly.

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West Central Maintenance Officials Working on Boiler Issue

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon
West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon

The West Central School Board recently learned that the boiler system needs repairs fairly quickly as the colder weather sets in.

Superintendent Charles Mellon explained that one boiler needs to be repaired and another needs replaced at the high school.

“It’s a three-phase unit so we are down to one boiler and we need one repaired rather quickly,” stated Mellon. “We don’t want to be caught having no heating system at all. We’re going to move rapidly on that.”

Mellon has discussed the issue with the maintenance director at the school corporation and repairs are ongoing at this time.

Real Services in Culver to Offer Thanksgiving Meal

Thanksgiving Dinner

Real Services in Culver is offering a Thanksgiving meal to those aged 60 and older who may not have a place to go for the holiday.

Site Director Cecelia Moroni said the dinner will be on Tuesday, Nov. 26 at the site at the Culver Beach Lodge beginning at Noon ET. Turkey will be served along with mashed sweet potatoes, corn bread stuffing, green bean almondine, cranberries and pumpkin pie.

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Keep Pets Warm This Winter


The temperature is dropping, prompting residents to stay indoors and crank up the heat to stay warm, but what can outdoor pets do to stay warm? Suzanne Crider with the Starke County Humane Society has a few tips to keep your roaming pets safe and warm this winter.

For those who have a doghouse or other structure for their animals, Crider said it’s important not to make it too big. She said it’s best to have it big enough that the animal can get in and comfortably lay down and stretch out, but any bigger and it becomes harder for the animal’s body heat to keep it warm.

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Firearm Deer Season Approaching; Drive Carefully


With firearm deer season mere days away, the spooked animals will soon be more active and may be more prominent near roads. Because of that, the Indiana State Police urge drivers to be cautious when traveling.

Motorists should take the following precautions when driving in rural areas to avoid having a crash involving a deer: when possible, use high beam headlights at night and be aware that deer could be standing on or near the side of the roadway; watch approaching vehicles and observe what may break their headlights beams, as it could be a passing deer; watch for reflections from the deer’s eyes; where there is one deer there are often several, so don’t assume you missed the deer because more could follow.

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Rural Starke County Bridge Opens Early, Project Under Budget

Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen "Rik" Ritzler
Starke County Highway Superintendent Stephen “Rik” Ritzler

A bridge project in the Koontz Lake area is done ahead of schedule and under budget. Starke County Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler tells WKVI news the bridge just north of State Road 23 on County Road 1100 East passed final inspection yesterday and is now open to traffic. Ritzler adds the bridge is opening 18 days early and says the project came in $10,000 under budget.

Arrests Keep Hamlet Police Department Busy

Officers from the Hamlet Police Department are staying busy, with a number of felony arrests made recently. The most recent was Thursday, Nov. 7 when officers responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle parked at the Hamlet Golf Course. Allison Heck was arrested on a charge of operating a operating motor vehicle with a suspended license. She and Skyler Goble both charges of possession of controlled substances, possession of paraphernalia and possession of methamphetamine.

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Knox City Council Approves Easement Agreement

Knox City Council
Knox City Council

The Knox City Council approved an easement agreement with Chuck and Dennis Estok to move forward with the water line project for the Starke County Sheriff’s Department and Detention Center at the intersection of State Road 8 and County 550 East in Knox.

The city of Knox will be responsible for the installation the water lines for the project that will extend to the property from Henry Drive.

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Pulaski Council Approves Sheriff’s Department Transfer

Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer
Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer
The Pulaski County Council last night approved a transfer to the sheriff’s department of more than $20,000 to allow for the purchase of an 11-passenger van. Sheriff Mike Gayer said the van will be used to transport the 15 work release inmates to and from the job site because most of them, he said, are indigent and do not have vehicles.

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Scams Making the Rounds in the Kankakee Valley

There always seems to be a way to swindle you out of your hard-earned money.

1st Source Bank has received calls from concerned residents who have received phone calls that their debit card has been deactivated. The caller then instructs the victim to enter account information to reactivate the card. 1st Source Bank officials remind you that they will not call you, text you or email you asking for your account number, PIN number or password.

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West Central School Board Looks Ahead for 2014-2015 School Year

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon
West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon
The West Central School Board members approved the 2014-2015 school calendar at their recent meeting. The calendar is similar to this year’s calendar.

Superintendent Charles Mellon explained that while it is early, the course description book was also presented to the board by middle and high school principal Don Street.

“It’s that time of the year where we are getting to enroll students for next year. That seems a little early, but that’s the process. The state had changed a lot of course titles and we have some new offerings that are due to some of the licensing of our staff so we were able to make some course selection changes for the 2014-2015 school year,” said Mellon.

Community Services of Starke County Has List of Families in Need This Holiday Season

Community Services of Starke County
Community Services of Starke County

The holidays are coming up quickly and if you’re looking to pay it forward and help a family in need, Community Services of Starke County may be able to help you.

Director Joan Haugh said she hopes Community Services can be the main place to gather names of families to help this season. She explained that some families contacted several agencies and received help while others didn’t receive any help.

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Starke County Humane Society Receives Lowe’s Volunteer Grant

The Starke County Humane Society will be undergoing renovations for a week beginning today, thanks to a grant from Lowe’s Heroes volunteer program. Suzanne Crider from the Starke County Humane Society said the volunteers in the program will be replacing windows and faucets, and scrubbing, degreasing and repainting the big kennels and floors, and as a result, Crider encourages patrons to call ahead before dropping off any animals.

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Starke County 4-H Director Receives Youth Development Program Award

A Starke County 4-H extension director was recently awarded the 2013 4-H Youth Development Successful Program Award at the Purdue Extension Professional Development Conference. Elisabeth L. Smith, Starke County Extension director and Extension educator, 4-H Youth Development, earned the award, which was created to honor individuals across the state of Indiana who have excelled in the promotion and marketing of the 4-H youth organization.

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