100-Year-Old Structure Destroyed by Fire in the Bass Lake Area

Three fire departments battled a house fire at 200 E. and 500 S. in the Bass Lake area yesterday afternoon.

Firefighters from the Bass Lake, Knox-Center Township and North Judson-Wayne Township Fire Departments responded to the location where a 100-year old structure was fully engulfed in flames before crews arrived on scene. No cause has been released yet. A representative from the Indiana State Fire Marshal’s office was scheduled to meet with Bass Lake fire officials to determine a cause of the fire.

Groundwater Quality Not an Issue at Old Starke County Landfill

Starke County Commissioners: Kathy Norem, Dan Bridegroom and Jennifer Davis

Weaver and Boos Consultants had a brighter report for the Starke County Commissioners this month. The company has been contracted to monitor and provide solutions to problems at the old Starke County Landfill located at 625 East and 550 South. In monitoring the groundwater at the site, it was found that there is no significant impact on the water quality. The report stated that another test will be done in June or July and if that test proves negative, Weaver and Boos will contact state authorities about only monitoring the site once a year, or discontinue groundwater monitoring altogether.

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Congressman Donnelly Sends Letter to President Obama Requesting a Reduction in Gas Prices

Congressman Joe Donnelly has sent a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to open the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to reduce the price of gasoline. He stated that opening the reserve has proven to reduce gas prices.

Last year, President Obama allowed the release of 30 million barrels of oil from the reserve and that action reduced the gas prices six percent.

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Contracts Signed for Debris Removal along Yellow River

Yellow River

Contracts were signed last week by the Starke County Commissioners for work to be done by the Kankakee-Iroquois Regional Planning Commission for debris removal work on the Yellow River.

“We’re going to start at the Marshall-Starke County line,” explained Commissioner Dan Bridegroom. “We’ll GPS all of the log jams, those will be bundled, and that’s the work they will bid on.”

Only recently more debris has gone into the river.

“We do know there was one big tree that fell in during the last big storm we had about three weeks ago. Since then, five more trees have gone into the water.”

The $150,000 grant to do the work is coming from the stimulus money offered two years ago. Territorial Engineering is now preparing the bid specifications and work will hopefully begin sometime this summer.

“Walk to School Day” in Winamac is Scheduled for April 12th

“Walk to School Day” in the Town of Winamac is scheduled for Thursday, April 12th.

Students will gather at 7:15 a.m. ET at the Downtown Depot on the corner of Main and Logan Streets in Winamac and the walk will begin at 7:30 a.m. ET. The students will walk down Main Street to the north side of the County Courthouse, to Monticello Street to Riverside Drive and it will end at the Elementary and Middle Schools. Safe Routes Task Force leaders, Kiwanis Key Club members and local law enforcement will also participate in the effort. You are also welcome to join in.

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SCILL Center Classes Still Available

SCILL Center

Though classes have already started, it’s still not too late to sign up. Several openings are still available for the computer classes offered at the SCILL Center, which are open to the public and area businesses. Classes will be offered from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., with a cost of $40. A minimum of six people are required for each session.

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A Few Seats Remain on Washington, D.C. Trip

Washington's Mount Vernon estate

Ed Hasnerl has a few more seats available for his summer trip to Washington, D.C.

”We aren’t going for another three months, but I do have room for four more on the motor bus. We’re going to see all the great sites in Washington. We’ll hear Abraham Lincoln speak, we’ll be visiting the Gettysburg Battlefield, and there’s a good chance that Martha will fix lunch for us at Mt. Vernon,” Hasnerl said.

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Spring Insects are Bugging us Early This Year

Even though it’s cooled off a little, spring bugs are still thinking it’s mid-April. Pests, such as wasps, have begun to appear and in Southern Indiana there’s been reports of mosquitoes.

Along with the bugs we don’t like to see, there are some pretty species out, like butterflies.

The warm winter, and summer-like March temperatures have allowed bugs to move up their seasonal appearances.

Some Entomologists are even saying that ticks didn’t rest at all over the winter.

North Judson Woman Injured in Two Vehicle Accident

The LaPorte County Sheriff’s Department investigated a two vehicle accident at the intersection at State Road 39 and U.S. 30 last night.

Flora Howard, of North Judson, was reportedly traveling through the intersection and a semi ran a stop light and hit Howard’s car. She received non-life threatening injuries in the incident and the semi driver was not injured. Howard was taken to IU Health LaPorte Hospital for her injuries.

Nathan VanDerAa Sentenced

Nathan VanDerAa

Thirty-four-year-old Nathan VanDerAa, of Star City, received his sentence in U.S. District Court Friday from Judge Robert Miller, Jr. of 33 months in the Bureau of Prisons and two years of supervised release following his plea of guilty to charges of Unlawful User of a Controlled Substance in Possession of a Firearm. This case was the result of an investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Frank Schaffer.

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“Mrs. Republican” Passes Away

Ione Moore

To most people in the Republican Party in Starke County, Ione Moore was thought of as “Mrs. Republican.” A Starke County office holder and faithful party worker, Mrs. Moore was given many awards by the local party, and only three years ago received a special state certificate for her years of service to her community by then-Secretary of State Todd Rokita.

Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m. today for Mrs. Moore at the Braman and Son Memorial Chapel in Knox. She passed away at the age of 92 on Friday.

Besides the special state award, Mrs. Moore was the 1997 Schricker Award winner and was the Senior Volunteer of the Year in 1996.

Winamac Town Board Discusses Installing Additional Lift Station

Winamac Town Hall

Winamac Wastewater Superintendent, Brad Zellers, told the Town Board that a lift station may need to be installed on the east side of the Panhandle walking trail on the farm real estate.

Water is draining off the farm ground and going into the town’s sanitary system, causing a great additional cost to the sewer plant. Identifying the responsible party is the next step and a meeting with the property owners will be scheduled with the Drainage Board.

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Funds Remain after Completion of Storm Sewer Infrastructure Project

Back Row: Greg Matt, Mayor Rick Chambers, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston, Donald Kring, City Attorney David Matsey. Front Row: Linda Berndt, Jeff Berg and Ron Parker

Mayor Rick Chambers announced at the most recent Knox City Council meeting that there was money left over from the Storm Sewer Infrastructure project.
Chambers said Territorial Engineers has looked over the project, and the Knox Street Department was given the extra money.

“The street department had the first shot at it and they wanted some streets repaved and overlaid,” stated Mayor Chambers. “The streets to be repaved are Sycamore between John and Bender, and John Street east of U.S. 35 from Prettyman to McGill will also be completely repaved.”

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Ancilla College Announces New Interim Admissions Director

Ancilla College in Donaldson has a new Interim Admissions Director. His name is Eric Wignall, and even though he’s new to the admissions office he is not new to Ancilla. Wignall has been with the college for a year-and-a-half doing market-type research.

We asked Wignall to describe his job.

“The Director of Admissions is the person who is involved in bringing students to Ancilla,” explained Wignall. “I’m part of the funnel, or the system of people who tell you about Ancilla College and how it works.”

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From the WKVI Archives

Tom Berg has been talking about going into the Guinness Book of World Records for a radio broadcasting endurance mark. It was on this date in 1928 at Bass Lake when George Byer, of Knox, won the roller skating endurance contest.

He roller skated continuously, except for five minute rests for 25 hours and 28 minutes. He was one of 11 entrants in the contest, which was sponsored by Nehi Company and Rannells and Kriss. It attracted the attention of scores of people.

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Volunteers Help Build New Soccer Fields for Culver Schools

Culver Community School Superintendent Brad Schuldt

“If you build it, they will come.” That phrase comes alive in Culver, as a number of volunteers have converted what was previously farm fields and weeded areas into something useful: soccer fields for Culver Community Schools.

“We have about five acres out there that used to be just farm field and just weeded areas, and over the last couple years we’ve had some volunteers in the community working on trying to develop that a little bit. They didn’t build any buildings at all, but they’ve got it kind of leveled off and they’ve made two small soccer fields for lower elementary grades and one soccer field that’s a little bit closer to full size,” said Superintendent Brad Schuldt.

Schuldt says that the field will be used primarily in the evenings after school, or for Saturday soccer programs. While players would previously have to share the field or just wait for the evening to use the field in the playground at the north end of Culver Elementary, they can now use one of the new soccer fields.

Schuldt says that there was no expense involved in making the soccer fields.

It’s no big construction or anything like the Liverpool stadium expansion, we didn’t spend any money on it. It’s all community volunteers getting it ready and that kind of thing, Schuldt said.

The only downside to establishing these new fields is the impact on parking. Schuldt says that the parking lot in that area only has about 25-30 spots, and sometimes when they have girls’ softball games, those spots can be filled fairly quickly. With the addition of parents bringing their children for evening and after-school soccer leagues, the parking lot will be filled to capacity– but Schuldt says they have opened up some of the grassy areas for parking as well, so that won’t be a problem.

North Judson Town Board Discusses Key Policy

Front Row: Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry, Board members Ralph T. Cummins, Wendy Hoppe, and Jane Ellen Felchuk, Attorney Cassandra Hine. Back Row: Town Marshal Doug Vessely, Fire Chief Joe Leszek and Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann. Photo by Town Photographer Peggy Bohac

The North Judson Town Board discussed the new key policy at their recent meeting. There is a new key log for all employees and all keys will be accounted for for all buildings and employees.

Town Superintendent Marshall Horstman reported to the board that a position with the utility department has been filled pending a drug test.

The Town of North Judson has a new Facebook page. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry and Billing Clerk, Jennifer Vanek, have been reworking the site and they post town information as well as board minutes, which will be posted as they are approved.