Culver Elementary and Middle Schools to Become School-Wide Title I

Culver Community School Board
Culver Community School Board Members (from left, clockwise): Jack Jones, Ryan Seiber, Marilyn Swanson, Brad Schuldt, Eugene Baker, Jim Wentzel, Ed Behnke, Ken VanDePutte

At this week’s Culver Community School Board meeting, Principal Julie Berndt informed the board that the Title I application for Culver Elementary and Middle School is nearly complete. Berndt had been serving as the director of the long process of changing the schools to “School-wide Title I,” as opposed to their current status of “Targeted Title I.” This change would allow every student in need of assistance to get it, without the long process and less stipulations.

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Knox Middle School Principal to Retire June 30th

Steve Cronk

Knox Middle School Principal, Steve Cronk, was going over his last analysis of ISTEP results when Anita Goodan walked into his office for his last radio interview. The reigns are being handed to Assistant Principal, Dave Miller, who has been in that position for the past 17 years.

“Dave will do a marvelous job. He does a great job of things that a lot of people haven’t really seen because he’s had the Assistant Principal job. Dave is a real lover of kids. He has a very close relationship with kids which will get closer as he moves out of that discipline role into the Principal role.”

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Knox Neighborhood Watch Meeting to Focus on Gang Activity

The Knox Neighborhood Watch meeting is tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Knox City Court Room in Knox City Hall. Greg Matt, from the Neighborhood Watch Committee, says it will be an important meeting for residents to attend.

“We’re going to have a program on gangs,” said Matt. “If you’ve noticed in the past few months around Knox, we’ve had some gang taggings on buildings downtown, in the alleys and in other neighborhoods. There are other gang signs that have been going up like sneakers over power lines. Thom Morin will be coming in and discussing gangs and the telltale signs of whether your children are getting involved. It’s something that every citizen in the City of Knox should be aware of and hopefully concerned with.”

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Knox City Council Reviews New Park Board Ordinance

Knox City Council #2
Back Row: Mayor Rick Chambers, Ed Blue, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston, Greg Matt and Attorney David Matsey. Front Row: Linda Berndt, Jeff Berg and Ron Parker

The Knox City Council reviewed a new Park Board Ordinance at its meeting this week.

“This was brought about when we were doing our five year plan,” said Mayor Chambers. “Our five year plan was sent to OCRA for approval and they found that our original park plan was outdated by state statute. It had to be newer than what ours was so Dave [Matsey, City Attorney] has put together this ordinance and it is almost identical to the old one. There’s very little difference. It’s right out of the state statute books.”

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Winamac Town Board Receives Update on Proposed Dog Park

Winamac Town Hall

The Winamac Town Board received an update on the proposed dog park this week.

The Pulaski County 4-H members have been trying to obtain funding for two years for a dog park that will be located on Logan and Pearl Streets in Winamac. The dog park will be available for residents to let their dogs out and enjoy the outdoors and the park will also eventually used for agility training.

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Starke County Commissioners to Discuss Funding for Class Action Lawsuit

Starke County Commissioners ( L to R ) Kathy Norem, Dan Bridegroom, Jennifer Davis

The Starke County Board of Commissioners will be meeting Thursday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. to discuss funding for the class action lawsuit being brought against the County by Jack Haut, a prisoner in the Starke County Jail.

Haut has brought suit against the county alleging unconstitutional and unlawful conditions of confinement at the Starke County Jail. In his suit, Haut alleges that the conditions at the jail are consistently and dangerously overcrowded. Continue reading

Marshall County Council on Aging Looking to Expand Services in Culver

Culver Town Council Members Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi
Culver Town Board Members (from left to right) Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi

Jackie Wright from the Council on Aging in Marshall County appeared before the town council yesterday evening to discuss the possibility of expanding services in Culver.

“We were primarily looking at getting awareness out, and what type of services might be to enhance the transportation for people who don’t drive in the Culver area,” said Wright.

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600 INDOT Vans Converted to Run on Propane

Lt. Governor Becky Skillman this week joined Indiana Department of Transportation officials to announce that nearly 600 INDOT work trucks and cargo vans are being converted to run on cleaner burning domestic propane. To be fueled at 115 INDOT sites covering the state, the propane vehicles are projected to save taxpayers more than $1 million in fuel costs each year.

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Eastern Pulaski School Board Discusses Discipline Issues

Dr. Robert Klitzman
Dr. Robert Klitzman

Administrators and teachers in the Eastern Pulaski School system have been working on ways to more effectively handle discipline problems. The mission is now being mandated from the state, and the directive is clear. In school or out of school suspensions are to be eliminated.

Superintendent Dr. Robert Klitzman says the Corporation has put effort into this directive.

“Every school in Indiana had to use scientifically-based research to come up with ways to be proactive and keep the discipline as best they can from being administered where it’s outside the classroom,” said Dr. Klitzman.

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Sewer Separation Project Continues in Downtown Winamac

The engineers working on the sewer separation project in the downtown area appeared before the Winamac Town Board to give them an update on the project. The project is going along well and the workers were able to complete the work by the fire department in one day so the road could be open in the case of an emergency. Work is being done around the Cruisers area this week.

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Dorene Matzat Receives Patty Hunt Award

Choralaires Director, Kathy Allen, presents Dorene Matzat with the Patty Hunt Award

Dorene Matzat, a 25-year member of the Starke County Choralaires, was awarded the Patty Hunt Award.

The Patty Hunt Memorial Service Award is presented to well-rounded members active in their chorus and community. Since 2006, the recipient has been chosen by the Melody Makers of Indiana Board from nominations submitted by the state choir of 400 members.

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Taste of Culver this Saturday

The Taste of Culver will be held this Saturday, June 18th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET. The event will be on Jefferson Street between Main and Ohio Streets.

A diversity of food offerings will be available, including pizza, polish sausage, chicken wings, Cajun specialties, shaved ice, cookies, and hot dogs. Those are just a few of the items that will be offered. Kent Arnsbarger will be providing the smooth sounds of the Caribbean on his steel drum. The Farmer’s Market will be open for you to browse through homemade items.

The Taste of Culver is sponsored by the Culver Chamber of Commerce.

Pulaki County Clerk Receives New Election Filings

Pulaski County Clerk, Tasha Foerg, has received filings for the fall election in her office.

Two candidates will be vying for Winamac Town Clerk-Treasurer.  Republicans Melanie Parish-Berger and Christina Hoffa have both filed.  One candidate has filed for the Winamac Town Board and that is Republican John Richard Denney.

Democrat Linda McCune filed for Monterey Clerk-Treasurer and Democrat Christine M. Fox filed for a seat on the Monterey Town Board.

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West Central Moves Ahead With Wind Turbine Project

The West Central School Board has voted to move forward with a form of contract with Performance Services for the wind turbine project.  The Board also gave authority to Umbaugh and Associates to proceed with issuing the requests for proposals for the bonds for the wind turbine project from underwriter institutions and local banks.  That should be done by July 10th and the equipment should be ordered.

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Passed Out Motorists Arrested

Finas Conley
Tyson Matthews

Two Pulaski County residents were arrested after police found them reportedly passed out at the Marathon gas station in Medaryville on Sunday.

Police pulled up to the vehicle that was parked at the pumps.  Officers woke up the occupants, Finas Conley, 43, of Francesville and Tyson Matthews, 21, of Medaryville, and both were incoherent.  Police found a plate with a white powdery substance in Conley’s lap and a silver pill container.  Also found was a straw with a white powdery substance on it and inside it.   The pair were allegedly in illegal possession of prescription medication at the time of the incident and they were in the act of snorting it.  They were detained and taken to the Pulaski County Jail.

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Pulaski County Police Department Investigates Theft

Stephanie Burton

The Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department investigated a theft from Twice is Nice on Saturday.

The owner, Kristen Ledden, told police that Stephanie Burton, 31, of San Pierre, was in her store and caught Burton placing a pair of shorts into her purse.  Ledden confronted Burton and asked her to remove the item from her purse, give it back to her and leave the store.  Burton sat on a chair outside the store and Ledden called the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department.

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Spotlight on Success Falls on Knox Middle School

Danielle Slomka and Tyler Simola-Wallingford

The Spotlight on Success fell on the Knox Middle School students and their video news program at the recent meeting of the Knox Community School Board.  The news program that contained school news and the weather forecast aired on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the beginning of the day.   Middle School Guidance Counselor, Chris Ross, helped the students edit and record their program in the school’s “green room”.   Danielle Slomka and Tyler Simola-Wallingford answered questions from the Board and explained the news program.

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Local Teen to Compete In Miss Indiana’s Outstanding Teen Contest

Taylor Quella

Eight young women from the South Bend area will compete for the titles of Miss Indiana and Miss Indiana’s Outstanding Teen in Zionsville.  Teen finals are June 24th and Miss Indiana Finals are Saturday, June 25th.

Celebrating 71 years of service to Hoosier Young Women, the Miss Indiana Scholarship Pageant is a preliminary to the Miss America Pageant, the largest source of scholarship money to young women in the world.

Taylor Quella, of Knox, is Miss Kankakee Valley’s Outstanding Teen.  She is 17 years old and she attends Knox Community High School.  Taylor is expected to compete 5th in the Miss Indiana’s Outstanding Teen Competition on Friday, June 24th at 7:00 p.m. ET at the Zionsville Performing Arts Center.  She joins 21 others in the competition.

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Perform Four-Way Stop during Traffic Light Outage

When severe weather strikes in the area, there is a chance traffic signals can lose power. The Indiana Department of Transportation has technicians on 24 hours per day to manage these issues.

Under Indiana law, drivers who encounter an intersection where the signal has lost power should treat the intersection as a four way stop. After stopping and when it is safe to do so, the driver should proceed with caution through the intersection. Drivers should yield to the right of way of traffic already in the intersection.

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