Tuesday Night Men’s League 01/18/11

Tuesday Night Men’s League 01/18/11
Team Standings:
1. Quarter’s 104.0-29.0
2. 1st Choice Pawn 78.0-55.0
3. Konrad Cabinets 77.0-56.0
4. Hensleys 76.0-57.0
5. Marks Body Shop 71.0-62.0
6. WKVI 67.0-66.0
7. Bowlaway Lanes 66.0-67.0
8. Sandbar 62.0-71.0
9. Time Out 57.0-76.0
10. Half Track 51.0-82.0
11. Fishers 45.0-88.0
12. Simonis 44.0-89.0
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Consideration Given to Add Advanced Life Service to Starke County Ambulance Service

A meeting was held last week to consider adding Advanced Life Service to Starke County’s ambulance system. Currently, Starke County is one of only two in the state that does not offer Advanced Life Service to its citizens.

Held at the IU Health-Starke Hospital, the meeting was presided over by former hospital CEO, and current Commissioner Kathy Norem. Kris Rannells is Advanced Life Service certified, and today and tomorrow he will help provide information about this potentially life saving service, and what it will mean to our citizens.

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Congressman Donnelly Assesses the United States’ Position in Afghanistan, Pakistan

Joe Donnelly
Congressman Joe Donnelly

Cracks are beginning to form in President Obama’s formerly solid support among Republicans for the war in Afghanistan. Senator Richard Lugar, the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said last week that Congress is coming to a critical juncture.

Republicans, who in the past have been strong on defense, now find themselves looking at the huge expenditure of keeping forces fighting in Afghanistan. Only 25% of Tea Party supporters said the U.S. should maintain current troop levels, and another 27% said the U.S. should pull out completely.

Congressman Joe Donnelly gives his assessment of where we are in Afghanistan.

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Ted Hayes Remembers Stu Gast

Stuart Gast

One of Winamac’s most prominent citizens passed away Sunday in Pulaski Memorial Hospital. Ted Hayes remembers Stuart Gast.

“I met Stuart Gast at the Winamac Kiwanis Club. He was a lawyer and was at one time the youngest Circuit Court Judge in the state. He was Circuit Court Judge in Pulaski County in the 1940’s. He was interested in the Pulaski County Historical Society, and was instrumental in starting boys baseball in the Winamac community.”

“Stu was a Cubs and Bears fan, and even tried his hand at farming (he owned several farms during his lifetime). Needless to say, he was involved with many charitable efforts in his lifetime.”

“He was instrumental in the career of this year’s Halleck Award winner, Judge Michael Shurn, having brought him into his law firm.”

“The Winamac community has lost one of its real gentlemen. Stuart Gast, dead at the age of 98.”

Key Lawmakers Talk about Making Tax Codes Easier

Nine out of ten Americans will find credits, deductions and exemptions on their tax forms so confusing and difficult they hire someone to fill out their forms.

Now, key lawmakers are talking about making the tax code simpler and fairer.

There is a lot of political support for simplifying the tax code, but in an era of divided government it is unclear whether President Obama has the ability to get it done.

The tax code is 3.8 million works long and growing. The tax codes is also 10 times the size of the Bible.

Two Knox Students Share Unique English Class Project with School Board

Chelsea Whitcraft, Julianna Richie and Mrs. Matysak present the Board with the Facebook project

The Knox Community School Board recognized two students who completed a unique class project over the Christmas holiday for Mrs. Matysak’s class.

“The class had read the Shakespeare story of Macbeth and to do a project to keep up with modern times and technology, two of our students, Chelsea Whitcraft and Julianna Richey had taken characters from Macbeth and placed them on Facebook,” explained Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board News

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Lynn Johnson

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board approved a field trip request from the North Judson-San Pierre Marching Band. The band will perform in the Kentucky Derby Pegasus Parade on May 5th. Superintendent Lynn Johnson said the students have worked hard and are excited to perform in this parade.

The Board approved the 2011-2012 school calendar. The beginning of school for the next school year will be Tuesday, August 16th.

The Board retreat is Thursday, January 27th. The Director of the Indiana School Board Association will facilitate the meeting and he will evaluate the Superintendent and her duties since being in office.

Music Students Do Well in Area Performances

Austin Stacy

Austin Stacy, a Junior from North Judson-San Pierre High School, successfully participated in the Indiana Music Educators Association High School Honor Band weekend. Austin was among approximately 100 band students from around the state that rehearsed and gave a performance at the Embassy Theater in Fort Wayne for the IMEA Convention this past Saturday. The guest conductor for the IMEA Honor Band was Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser.

In other music news:
Congratulations to the Knox High School Winterguard. The KHS Guard was in competition this past Saturday at DeKalb High School where they earned 4th place out of 11 competing units. The KHS Guard will be in competition again on February 5th at Anderson High School in Anderson, Indiana.

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Mark Smith Announces His Candidacy for Mayor of Knox

Mark Smith

Knox resident and local businessman, Mark Smith, has announced his intention to seek the office of Knox Mayor. Smith is the owner of the M.C. Smith Funeral Home and the current President of the Starke County Council as well as a very active member of the community.

He says, “The fiscal condition of the City of Knox has traditionally been good, however, with the changes that we have been handed, close attention must be given to the finances of the City if we are to continue the level of service currently being provided to our residents.”

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Sanctity of Life Service Held in Knox

Residents participate in the Sanctity of Life service in Knox

A March For Life Rally will be held in Washington, D.C. today. The rally will begin at the National Mall and ends at the Supreme Court where abortions were made legal in the United States in 1973.

A “Sanctity of Life” service was held in Knox Sunday night. Prayers and hymns began the service at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, followed by a candlelight hymn sing at the Monument of the Unborn and a program at the Knox Community Center.

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State Supreme Court Justice Visits Knox City Court

City Court Judge Charlie Hasnerl (R) welcomes Justice Frank Sullivan, Jr.

State Supreme Court Justice Frank Sullivan, Jr. was in Knox Friday afternoon. Justice Sullivan chairs the Court’s Judicial Technology and Automation Committee which guides courts throughout the state to upgrade it’s technology.

“The Judicial Technology and Automation Committee has many projects, but the single biggest and most important one is providing to each of the courts in Indiana, and there are about 400 of them, a computer system to help those courts keep track of their cases,” explained Justice Sullivan.

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State of the Union Address to Find Democrats and Republicans Sitting ‘Side by Side’

Joe Donnelly
Congressman Joe Donnelly

The President’s State of the Union Message will be presented to a joint session of Congress tomorrow night.

It’s been proposed by THIRD WAY, a moderate political think tank, that members of Congress sit with those of the other party. Democrats and Republicans sitting “side by side”. THIRD WAY thinks it might “restore civility”.

It’s also been offered that choreographed standing and clapping is unbecoming of Congress. If President Obama says something appealing to the Democrats, they all would rise up in unison and cheer. That’s been likened to being comparable to fans at a basketball game.

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Representative Dembowski Hesitant to Vote on School Reform Bill

State Representative Nancy Dembowski

Seventeenth District State Representative Nancy Dembowski (D-Knox) is hesitant to vote for a school reform bill that would allow for tax dollars to flow into private or charter schools at the expense of public schools.

“I think when we being talking about allowing tax monies to support more charter schools and vouchers and tax credits, we undermine the rural public school systems that I represent,” said Dembowski. “I’m very concerned about that. We think in terms of choice and allowing students to go to the schools of their choice, to a degree, and that’s acceptable, but I worry constantly about the private schools that require payment to go there. Tax money will go to support schools that will be done by some corporation who decides that they want to establish a new school that will be the best for your child.”

The Indiana Department of Education has prepared a document: “Indiana’s 2011 Education Agenda-Putting Students First”. The document puts forth a series of issues and problems. They include, among others: An antiquated tenure system, teachers and principals not annually evaluated, and ten percent of students are passing advanced placement exams.

Dr. Tony Bennett and Governor Mitch Daniels are championing school reform in this session of the legislature.

Knox Community School Board Approves Bid for High School Renovation Project

Gary Dulin, Jerry Fletcher, Harold Welter, Mary Lynn Ritchie, Kirk Bennett, Nathan Marcum, Mike Yankauskas, Superintendent A.J. Gappa

The Knox Community School Board approved base bids for the high school renovation project at its recent meeting.

“We had taken bids on the base projects which were the water pipe renovations and also the swimming pool renovation in the ceiling and lighting area,” explained Superintendent, A.J. Gappa. “The Board approved the base bids and the work in the pool. We could not accept the roofing bids because of funding.”

The approved bid went to Brown and Brown General Contractors for $1,567,000. In all, the Board received 15 bids.

Starke County Commissioners Discuss Security at Courthouse

Starke County Courthouse

The Starke County Commissioners had a brief discussion last week on added security at the Starke County Courthouse. In light of violence seen at the political event in Arizona, it seems that everyone is considering security.

Two problems with metal detectors at the Starke County Courthouse immediately were evident. One was the added employment of person, or persons, to man the metal detector and the second was the fact that if a metal detector were installed, it would mean only one entrance into the courthouse could be used as all doors couldn’t be provided with a detector.

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Week in Review for January 17th-21st, 2011

Here is just some of the news that made the news in the Kankakee Valley this week:

Robert "Lynn" Fraine and family

Residents of Koontz Lake and surrounding communities turned out last Saturday to honor 50 year Koontz Lake firefighter Robert “Lynn” Fraine.

The Starke County Health Board is considering combining the Environmentalist position with the Food Inspector’s duties. Meanwhile, Starke County Commissioner Jennifer Davis resigned from the seat she was named to on the Starke County Health Board.

Christina Rotering

Christina Rotering was honored before the Oregon-Davis girls basketball game last Saturday night. Christina is battling a form on non-Hodgskin’s Lymphoma.

The Starke County Commissioners discussed the new burn ordinance at its meeting this week. Questions were fielded concerning enforcement of the new ordinance and if leaf and natural wood burning would be permitted.

Jeffrey Singleton, Sr.

Jeffrey Singleton, Sr., Jeffrey Singleton, Jr. and Sandra Singleton of Knox were arrested on Friday, January 14th, on methamphetamine related charges. Police say a meth lab was found in the Singleton’s garage and paraphernalia was found in the residence.

Pulaski County Circuit Court Judge Michael Shurn

Pulaski County Circuit Court Judge Michael Shurn has been named this year’s H.J. Halleck Award winner in Pulaski County.

Starke County Prosecutor Nicholas Bourff replaced Todd Wallsmith with Mary Ryan as his Chief Deputy.

Several candidates filed for the 2011 Municipal Election in the Starke and Pulaski County Clerks’ offices.

Steve Cronk

The Knox Community School Board approved the retirement of Middle School Principal, Steve Cronk, at its meeting this week.

Two youngsters were given their wish Thursday by students at Culver Community High School. The Student Council raised over $10,000 to send Chris Webb and Chloe Hough to Disney World and Sea World.

Marvin McLaughlin was honored Thursday night as the 2011 Henry F. Schricker Service Award winner.

Starke Memorial Hospital’s name officially changed Thursday afternoon. It will now be known as Indiana University Health-Starke Hospital.

And that is just some of the news that made the news in the Kankakee Valley this week.