12/10/18 A car vs deer accident was reported on Range Road north of 800 S. in North Judson.
12/10/18 A North Judson resident asked to speak to an officer as his vehicle was broken into and items were stolen.
12/10/18 A two vehicle accident was reported at the intersection of Main Street and Redskin Trail in Knox.
12/10/18 A North Judson man told police that the window in his vehicle was broken out.
12/10/18 A two vehicle accident occurred on 100 W. between 500 S. and State Road 10 in North Judson. No injuries were reported. Those who occupied one of the vehicles were reportedly picked up and left the scene.
12/11/18 A North Judson resident told police that he returned home and residence was broken into.
12/12/18 A vehicle fire was reported in the 6300 block of N. State Road 23 in Walkerton.
12/12/18 A car vs. deer accident was reported on State Road 8 between 300 E. and U.S. 35 in Knox.
12/12/18 A Grovertown resident told police that there is suspicion of mailbox tampering.
12/13/18 Police were notified that a semi tanker ran off the road into a ditch on U.S. 39 in the westbound lane east of Knoll Brothers in Hamlet.
12/15/18 A car vs. deer accident was reported on State Road 8 east of the railroad tracks in Knox.
12/15/18 A two vehicle accident was reported in the driveway in the 1500 block of S. State Road 39.
12/15/18 A North Judson resident reported his vehicle stolen.
12/15/18 A car vs. deer accident was reported in the 11,100 block of E. 300 N. in Knox.
12/16/18 The Washington Township Fire Department responded to a house fire in the 10600 block of E. 150 S. in Grovertown.
12/16/18 A property damage accident was reported on U.S. 30 at the Grovertown Truckstop. Minor injuries were reported.
Inclusion in the arrest reports is merely an indication an arrest was made and is not an indication of guilt. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
12/11/18 Connie Snyder, 49, of Knox, City Court hold.
12/12/18 Bethany Lawton, 37, of Walkerton, arrested on a felony warrant.
12/14/18 Mason Johnson, 30, of Knox, arrested on a felony bench warrant.
12/14/18 Donovan Ward, 22, of North Judson, arrested on a felony bench warrant.
12/14/18 Matthew Kleinfehn, 33, of Knox, arrested on preliminary charges of possession of methamphetamine, possession of paraphernalia and possession of a legend drug.
12/15/18 Lisa Fisher, 37, of Knox, arrested on a preliminary charge of improper use of 911.