Concrete Bid Approved for 50/50 Sidewalk Program in Knox


The Knox Board of Public Works members approved a bid for the 50/50 sidewalk program in a special meeting on Thursday morning.

The board approved the lowest conforming bid from Covenant Concrete in the amount of $22,395. That includes all 12 properties and the ADA compliant accessible curbs for properties at 55 E. Lake Street, 53 E. Water Street and 707 S. Shield Street. The city is responsible for paying for the ADA accessible curbs.

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Knox Board of Public Works Opens Sidewalk Bids


The Knox Board of Public Works opened bids Thursday for the 50/50 sidewalk program.

There was no quorum, but the bids will be taken under advisement and awarded at a special meeting on May 15.

Two bids were submitted by Pete Kuchel Concrete and Covenant Concrete. The residences that were submitted for bid include 104 S. Pearl St., 703 S. Pearl St., 307 S. Main St., 604 S. Main Street, 703 Delamatyr, 705 E. Washington St., 707 S. Shield St., 102 Water Street, 402 S. Pearl St., 356 E. Mound, 55 Lake Street and 53 E. Water Street.

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Town of Winamac Begins 50/50 Sidewalk Program

Winamac Town Hall
Winamac Town Hall
The Winamac Town Board this week discussed the 50/50 sidewalk program which has recently kicked off with a budget of $10,000. However, some people have already put in new sidewalks and have asked the town that they be reimbursed, and board member Richard Denney suggested to look into the possibility of reimbursing those residents after all applications have been received. If there is money left over, he would like to see the people reimbursed.

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