Voter registration clerks in Starke and Pulaski Counties are busy collecting absentee ballots for the November General Election.
Final Saturday for Absentee Ballots Prior to May Primary Election
Saturday marks the last opportunity for weekend early and absentee voting leading up to the May 3rd primary election.
Absentee voting has been ongoing in the state since early April. Voting hours continue to be offered during the weekdays at the Starke County Clerk’s office in Knox, but also at Winamac Branch of the Pulaski County Public Library.
Absentee Voting Available Saturday in Area Counties
Hundreds Cast Absentee Ballots in Starke County
In-Person Absentee Voting Continues Saturday in Starke County
Election Board Sets Absentee Voting Hours Beginning October 6th
The Starke County Election Board has set times for absentee voting heading into November’s General Election.
Board members met Thursday morning to review the resolution setting times for voters unable to cast a ballot on Election Day. Cost comparisons with previous elections were provided for review.
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