Pulaski County Veterans Court Receives Full Certification as Efforts to Launch Family Court Continue

Now that Pulaski County’s Veterans Treatment Court is fully certified, the county is seeking funds to launch another problem-solving court. Superior Court Judge Crystal Brucker Kocher told the county commissioners Monday that the veterans court got its certification on January 24, following a two-day review by the state.

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Pulaski Health Department Plans to Increase Narcan Training, Following Release of Grant Funds

The Pulaski County Health Department will be able to step up community Narcan training and distribution efforts, after a release of funding by the state. Office Manager Terri Hansen told the county commissioners last week that the Indiana State Department of Health recently opened the portal that holds health departments’ leftover grant money, making $94,000 available to Pulaski County.

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Starke County Election Board Member Questions Board’s Authority to Cut Its Own Pay

The Starke County Election Board’s authority to withhold its own pay is being questioned by one of its members. On Monday, the board voted two-to-one not to pay its members for 2020, if the board failed to approve a vote center plan to keep this year’s elections on-budget. Board Member Harrison Fields cast the opposing vote.

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Starke County Election Board Makes Members’ Pay Contingent on Switch to Vote Centers

Starke County Election Board Member Harrison Fields (right) voices concern with the meeting notice he received from Board President Marcia Bedrock (left), during Monday’s board meeting.

The Starke County Election Board will make a fourth attempt at approving a vote center plan. It once again failed to get the required unanimous vote during a special meeting Monday. Board Member Harrison Fields again cast the opposing vote.

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Pulaski Drug Free Council May Have More Grant Funding Available than Expected

The Pulaski County Drug Free Council will be able to give out more grant funding this year than previously thought. Drug Free Council Member Sandy Lucas told the county council Monday that the group had budgeted $8,000 for the year. But she said according to the auditor, the fund has actually collected almost $13,500 in substance offense fees over the past year.

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Pulaski Council Approves Additional Appropriation for Courthouse Elevator Project

Pulaski County Council: back row: Mike Tiede, Kathi Thompson, Brian Young; front row: Scott Hinkle, Rudy DeSabatine, Jay Sullivan (not pictured: Ken Boswell)

The Pulaski County Council has given its permission to pay the final bills from the courthouse elevator replacement, more than a year after the work was completed. The county council voted five-to-one last week to finalize a series of additional appropriations. That included almost $57,000 for the elevator work.

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City Tavern Building Demolition Order Affirmed by Court of Appeals

The removal of what’s left of the former City Tavern Building can finally proceed, following a lengthy legal battle. Culver Town Attorney Jim Clevenger shared the Indiana Court of Appeals’ finding during Tuesday’s town council meeting. “A 24-page public opinion on our case, ‘Culver versus The 27 Group and Mr. Scotty VanHawk,’ and the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court order for demolition!” Clevenger announced.

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Pulaski Council Considers Additional Appropriation for Last Year’s Elevator Replacement

The Pulaski County Courthouse elevator was completed almost a year ago, but the county council is still being asked to consider funding arrangements. An additional appropriation request for almost $57,000 was presented Tuesday for council members’ consideration. Council Member Kathi Thompson voiced concern, noting that the money has already been spent, even though the council is just now being asked for permission to spend it.

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Pulaski Council to Discuss Budget Transfers, Additional Appropriations, 2020 Salary Matrix

Pulaski County Council: back row: Mike Tiede, Kathi Thompson, Brian Young; front row: Scott Hinkle, Rudy DeSabatine, Jay Sullivan (not pictured: Ken Boswell)

The Pulaski County Council will take steps to balance line items in the 2019 budget, as the end of the year approaches. Several budget transfers will be up for the council’s approval tonight , including $240,000 for the Highway Department, and almost $47,000 for the Sheriff’s Department.

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Eastern Pulaski School Board Approves $1.2 Million Additional Appropriation

The Eastern Pulaski School Board took action Thursday to fix a shortfall in the school corporation’s Education Fund budget. During a special session, board members approved an additional appropriation, giving school officials permission to spend another $1.2 million beyond what was budgeted for this year. The Education Fund is where teacher salaries are budgeted.

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