Starke County Sheriff Donates Golf Outing Money to Charity

Sheriff Oscar Cowen
Sheriff Oscar Cowen

In past years, Starke County Sheriff Oscar Cowen has held a golf tournament to help finance his political campaigns. This year, Sheriff Cowen will donate the money to charity. The tournament raised $2,115.00, and Cowen has named a charity that will benefit from the fundraiser.

“Two Starke County girls that were well known, Christina Rotering and Ashley Derrickson, who succumbed to cancer, I thought that would be a good cause to donate the money to.”

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Many Activities are Scheduled Saturday and Sunday in the Kankakee Valley!

Even though Christmas Eve is a few days off, many children in our area will get some gifts early. The Starke County Abate organization will be handing out toys, clothing and food items to 90 families at the Bass Lake Golf Course on Saturday. “It will be at the Bass Lake Golf Course,” said Abate President, Terry Young. “We have 90 families that will be coming out this year. They were all sent out invitations to come. There are 240 kids and all the families will have a turkey and all kinds of gifts. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus will also be there.” When it comes to a big heart for children, the 290 members of Abate are in the forefront.

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