The Town of Hamlet is moving forward with a comprehensive plan. Council member Brian Earnest says town officials have chosen a planning consultant, following several hours of interviews. As the next step in the process, a public hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 12 at 5:00 p.m.
North Judson Town Council Takes Steps to Secure Funding for a Comprehensive Plan
North Judson officials took an important step last Monday to secure financial assistance for the creation of a comprehensive plan. An up-to-date comprehensive plan is one of the requirements for the county-wide Regional Stellar Initiative.
The total cost of the comprehensive plan project is $44,000 which is $6,000 less than what was originally anticipated. To help pay for the plan, the Town is applying for $39,600 Community Development Block Grant that is offered through the Office of Community and Rural Affairs. Continue reading
Starke County Commissioners Hold Public Hearing for Planning Grant Application
The Starke County Commissioners opened a public hearing concerning the application for a planning grant to get the county closer to a possible finalist status in the selection of next year’s Regional Stellar Communities Designation Program.
Hamlet Council Joins Starke County’s Stellar Communities Application
The Town of Hamlet is joining Starke County’s effort to become a Stellar Community. The county government plans to team up with the county’s three incorporated municipalities to apply for a regional Stellar designation in 2019. The Hamlet Town Council voted Wednesday to move forward with the process, along with the rest of the county.
Hamlet Council to Consider Joining Starke County’s Stellar Communities Application
The Hamlet Town Council is being asked to make a decision on whether or not it will be part of Starke County’s quest to become a Stellar Community. The Starke County Economic Development Foundation has been spearheading the effort, which officials hope will open the door to additional grant opportunities and investment.
Community Input Sought for Starke County Parks Comprehensive Plan
The consulting firm hired to craft a five-year parks and recreation plan for Starke County wants input from as many local residents as possible. The Mishawaka-based Troyer Group has come up with a survey to gauge usage of the county’s recreational areas. Continue reading
Winamac Submits Draft of Five-Year Park Plan
The Town of Winamac is ready to submit a draft of its five-year park and recreation plan. Last week, the park board voted to proceed with submitting the draft to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Outdoor Recreation. Continue reading
Starke County Park Board Seeks Consultants for Five-Year Plan
The Starke County Park Board is moving ahead with the process of finding a consultant to create a five-year plan for the county’s park facilities. A comprehensive plan is required before the county may receive grant funding from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Continue reading
Starke County Park Board to Continue Discussions on Five-Year Plan, Bass Lake Beach
A five-year plan for Starke County’s parks will be discussed during tonight’s County Park Board meeting. Edwin Buswell with the Kankakee-Iroquios Regional Planning Commission is expected to provide some information on the process. Continue reading
Residents Weigh In on Winamac Parks
Winamac-area residents had the chance Wednesday to offer input on the town’s park and recreation facilities. As part of the process of putting together a five-year park and recreation plan, members of the public got to share what they like about the parks, as well as potential areas for improvement. Continue reading
Winamac Park Input Session Scheduled this Evening
Winamac residents have the chance to weigh in this evening on the future of the town’s park and recreation facilities. The town’s in the process of putting together a five-year park and recreation plan, and officials are seeking input from the public. The park board is holding a public hearing at 6:00 this evening in the Winamac Municipal Utility Complex. Continue reading
Public Meeting Scheduled for Winamac Park Input
Winamac residents will have the chance to offer their ideas about the future of the town’s park and recreation facilities. The Winamac Park Board is hosting a public input session on Wednesday, September 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the Winamac Municipal Utility Complex. Continue reading
Starke County Park Board Reevaluating Five-Year Plan
Efforts to create a five-year plan for Starke County park facilities have hit a bit of an obstacle. The Starke County Park Board had been discussing the possibility of getting a grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs to help pay for the planning process. But to qualify for the grant, the county would have to prove that residents’ incomes fall beneath a certain threshold. Continue reading
Winamac Park Board Gets to Work on Five-Year Plan
Work is now underway to develop a five-year plan for Winamac’s park and recreation facilities. Katie Bierrum, who’s putting the comprehensive plan together as part of her coursework at Purdue University, discussed the plan with the Winamac Park Board Thursday. As part of the process, she’s gathering information about the park facilities, and is also asking board members what direction they want to see the facilities take in the future. Continue reading
Winamac to Create Park and Recreation Plan with Help of Purdue Student
The Winamac Park Board has begun the process of putting together a five-year comprehensive plan for the town’s park and recreation facilities. The plan is required before the town is able to take advantage of some of the additional grant funding opportunities that come with having a park board. Continue reading
Culver Finalizing Goals for Coming Years
The Town of Culver is finalizing its five-year action plan.
The document will be included in the Town’s Comprehensive plan and specifies major projects the Town would like to undertake over the next few years. A joint group, consisting of the Town Council, Plan Commission, and Redevelopment Commission has been meeting on a regular basis to develop the goals.
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Knox City Council Approves Comprehensive Plan
The Knox City Council reviewed the newly completed comprehensive plan during their meeting on Tuesday night.
The members commented that a lot of hard work was put into the committee meetings to come up with a vision for the city in the next five years. The comprehensive plan contains needs and wishes of members of the city that includes downtown projects, improvements to Main Street, the addition of signs and other features on South Main Street, beautifying the area around the schools and Sandy Acres Park, and an improvement to the Parkview area. Also included in the plan is an infrastructure and utility extension from Main Street to County Road 200 South.
Knox City Council to Consider Comprehensive Plan
The Knox City Council will review the proposed five-year comprehensive plan when they meet tonight.
The comprehensive plan contains needs and wishes of the city that includes downtown projects, improvements to Main Street, the addition of signs and other features on South Main Street, beautifying the area around the schools and Sandy Acres Park, and an improvement to the Parkview area. Also included in the plan is an infrastructure and utility extension from Main Street to County Road 200.
Culver Sends Town Objectives to Committee for Recommendations
The Town of Culver has decided to assign a few tasks to committee for planning projects over the next five years.
Members of several commissions have been working to create a five-year action plan. The document will be included in the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. It typically helps guide the Town in the completion of certain goals.
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Culver Continues Comprehensive Plan Development
The Town of Culver will be looking to make plans for the future during a meeting this evening.
Several of the Town’s public bodies continue developing Culver’s Comprehensive Plan. The document is typically used as a guide for the growth of a community. It can cover topics ranging from utilities and infrastructure projects to zoning and development.
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