The Marshall County Commissioners reviewed a resolution Monday morning that allows for the sale of equipment to the Starke County Highway Department.
Marshall County Commissioners Discuss Lawsuit over Stolen Documents
The Marshall County Commissioners got an update on a class-action lawsuit against a company who allegedly stole thousands of dollars worth of data from the recorder’s office.
County Attorney Jim Clevenger told the commissioners that the lawsuit involves Marshall County and several other counties against Black Knight Real Estate Data Solutions. Recorder Marlene Mahler previously told the commissioners that the company reportedly took 2,700 documents totaling 39,000 pages out of the computer system without going through the proper channels. The recorder’s office would normally charge $1 per page so the company would owe $39,000. The lawsuit seeking damages would triple that amount.
Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today
The Marshall County Commissioners will meet for the last time this year today at 8:30 a.m. ET.
The commissioners will review the county’s contract with the Muskegon River Youth Center. The probation department had a previous contract with the juvenile detention facility in Muncie but operations have moved to a new location in Evart, Indiana. The 2014 contract expires today.
Marshall County to Join Lawsuit over Theft of Documents
Marshall County Attorney Jim Clevenger and Marshall County Recorder Marlene Mahler discussed with the commissioners this week the theft of 2,700 documents totaling 39,000 pages out of the county’s computer system.
Clevenger noted that several other counties are facing the same issue with the same company and have been asked to join a multi-county action against the company. Representatives of LPS Real Estate Data Solutions reportedly went in and took data out of the recorder’s office without going through the proper channels to pay for the data wanted. A civil action will be filed against LPS to recover damages for the stolen data and punitive damages.
Marshall County Commissioners Approve Agreement for Jail Healthcare
The Marshall County Commissioners discussed a contract between the county and Quality Correctional Care, LLC.
Quality Correctional Care, LLC provides the jail’s healthcare needs. The company has provided pharmaceutical needs, a full-time nurse and doctor visits since October of 2013. The current contract expires on Dec. 31 of this year.
County Attorney Jim Clevenger explained that the new contract would be for a four-year term at a cost of $153,000 for the base compensation per year. That figure would not change throughout the duration of the contract. Some add-ons are also available. The monthly cost would be $12,750. A doctor will visit once a week along with a psychologist and a nurse will be there 40 hours a week.
Marshall County Commissioners, Attorney to Review Jail Healthcare Contract
The Marshall County Commissioners and the county attorney will be reviewing the contract with jail’s healthcare service provider when they meet again on Monday, Nov. 17.
Quality Correctional Care sent Sheriff Tom Chamberlin an agreement and it was then forwarded to County Attorney Jim Clevenger for a four year term. The current one-year contract expires on Dec. 31 of this year. The contract calls for a $153,000 contract price which will be good during each of the four years. That price would be reassessed if the county agrees to renew this agreement in 2019, although the county would review services annually.
Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today
The Marshall County Commissioners will receive updates on three major construction projects when they meet this morning.
Bart Trester from USI will have status updates on the 7th Road construction project, the Metronet project and the Jefferson Street Bridge rehabilitation project.
The commissioners approved paperwork at their last meeting to call sections of the Metronet project substantially complete. Supervisor of County Highways Jason Peters told WKVI News last week that Beer and Slabaugh is working on the east end of the Jefferson Street bridge and that road should be open at the end of next week.
Jail Bond Refinancing to Save Marshall County over $630,000
The Marshall County Commissioners received some good news this week.
County Attorney Jim Clevenger told the board members that the prospective sale of the jail bonds to refinance the previous bonds went really well. Lower rates and hard work by Umbaugh and Associates and County Auditor Penny Lukenbill helped save the county $639,000.
Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today
The Marshall County commissioners will meet today with a host of items to discuss.
Bart Trester of USI will provide the commissioners with an update on the 7th Road project and the Metronet project. The Metronet project is ahead of schedule while the 7th Road project continues. An update on the Jefferson Street bridge will also be provided by a USI representative.
Ward Byers from Court Services will be before the board for approval of an employment contract and Stacy Richer will have a request to vacate a street on county-owned property.
Marshall County Commissioners Sign Papers for Movement in Jail Bond Refinancing
The Marshall County Commissioners approved the action of signing a preliminary official statement for Umbaugh and Associates in an attempt to move the refinancing of the 2006 jail bonds through at a quicker pace.
County Attorney Jim Clevenger told the commissioners that the paperwork is behind schedule, but he anticipated rates will be ideal for the county to move forward. It’s the hope of the commissioners and the county council to reduce the payments on the bonds each year through 2026. The county also wants to have flexibility to keep the funds in reserve to either pay off the bonds sooner or apply those funds for additional capacity at the jail or operational costs due to sentencing changes and the potential impact.
Marshall County Building Security Procedure to Change
Deputies from the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department will now be securing the Marshall County building.
Commissioner Deb Griewank explained that the maintenance department had been securing the building at the end of the day, but felt the sheriff’s department’s court security could take over that responsibility. She asked Sheriff Tom Chamberlin if a deputy could secure the building and he would agree to that as long as it is in writing.
Marshall County Commissioners Tentatively Approve Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Contract
The Marshall County Commissioners approved a contract for gas and diesel with one company – provided some language can be ironed out between the company and the county attorney.
Representatives from North-Central Co-op went before the commissioners Monday morning to discuss the agreement which allows for gasoline and diesel fuel at the highway department with a card reader system and tank monitoring. The company would install the hardware and software and equipment at the highway department at no up-front charge, but a four-and-a-half cent additional cost over the rack price will be assessed on fueling to pay for the cost of the equipment over a five-year period.
Marshall County Commissioners Move Forward with Property Transfer
The Marshall County Commissioners are moving forward with deeding property to the city of Plymouth.
There are three lots that were on the county’s tax sales for years that failed to sell. Mayor Mark Senter approached Treasurer Deb Vandemark about the possibility of the county deeding those parcels to the city for the city’s use and she brought it to the attention of the commissioners earlier this month.
Marshall County to Deed Property to the City of Plymouth
The Marshall County Commissioners approved a motion to have the county attorney prepare paperwork to assign sale certificates of some property to the city of Plymouth. The parcels are down by the new park by the river.
Treasurer Deb Vandemark approached the commissioners about the properties in question that could not be sold in previous tax sales.
Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today
The Marshall County Commissioners will meet in regular session today where Bart Trester from USI will have an update on the 7th Road project and the Metronet project.
The Metronet project started a few weeks ago where conduit is being installed from Ireland Road in South Bend to Marshall County. That conduit will house broadband cables for high speed internet for businesses to increase productivity. The project is expected to be complete this year.
Metronet Project Underway in Marshall County, All Paperwork Signed
All of the paperwork for the Metronet project has been signed. That was the information relayed to the Marshall County Commissioners Monday morning.
County Attorney Jim Clevenger said the City of South Bend approved the easement agreement that was prepared for the placement of conduit on the Michigan Road right-of-way. The intergovernmental agreement with the Marshall County Council was approved last week and the Memorandum of Understanding with St. Joseph County was signed at the end of April. Clevenger said all is good to continue with the construction plus the services once that construction is complete.
Marshall County Council Approves Intergovernmental Agreement for Metronet Project
Marshall County Commissioners Approve Pay Raise for County Attorney
Commission President Kevin Overmyer brought up the recommendation at the conclusion of the commissioner’s meeting last week and stated Jim Clevenger has undertaken quite a few assignments by the commissioners and has done a good job in working for the county. As an example, Clevenger is working on a minimum of 12 intergovernmental agreements for the county for the upcoming Metronet agreement and more may be required. Overmyer said Clevenger has gone above and beyond to help the county in necessary legal matters.
Overmyer suggested raising Clevenger’s pay to $140 per hour, which is a $10 per hour increase. The suggestion was made into a motion and unanimously approved by all three commissioners: Kevin Overmyer, Jack Roose and Deb Griewank.
Marshall County Commissioners Receive Update on Metronet Project, Council Approves Funding
Clevenger stated that rights of way need to be acquired for the project and much of that needs to be taken care of in South Bend.
Marshall County Commissioners Address Meth House Clean up Procedures
The Marshall County Commissioners discussed an inquiry by County Attorney Jim Clevenger Monday morning about the growing number of “meth homes” and the issues with cleanup.
Clevenger said he has been in contact with Wesley Burden from the Marshall County Health Department about the nature in which a home is taken care of after police have found an active meth lab on the premises. Burden explained that the state police clandestine lab team goes to the home and removes the harmful chemicals used in the manufacture of methamphetamine. Those officers then notify the health department and the homeowner is required to have Indiana Department of Environmental Management contractors come in and decontaminate the structure. That home is uninhabitable until it has been thoroughly cleaned by IDEM contractors.