Gov. Holcomb Establishes Commission to Address Public Health Challenges

Gov. Holcomb announces a new Public Health Commission during a press conference Wednesday.

Improving Indiana’s public health structure is the goal of a new commission announced by Governor Holcomb Wednesday. Over the next year, the 15-member commission will look at the strengths and weaknesses of the current health system, analyzing funding, staffing challenges, and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Indiana Department of Health Updates County Metrics Map, Sharp Increase in Positive Cases in Marshall County

Wednesday’s updated County Metrics Map on the Indiana Department of Health’s coronavirus website shows Marshall, Starke and Pulaski Counties in the yellow status, which means a moderate level of community spread of COVID-19.  There are 11 counties in the state in the red status, 62 counties in the orange status, and 19 counties in the yellow status.  There are no counties in the blue status which indicates a low community spread of COVID-19. 

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North Judson Disburses Second Round of COVID-19 Relief Money for Small Businesses

Picture Source: Town of North Judson FB Page

A second round of COVID-19 relief is on its way to North Judson businesses. Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe told the town council Monday that checks were sent out to businesses that applied late last week. “That’s been wrapped up and disbursed and everything sent to KIRPC for their reporting,” Rowe said.

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