Proposed Culver Superintendent’s Contract Up for Discussion Tonight

The Culver Community School Board will hold a public hearing tonight to hear comments on the proposed superintendent’s contract. That hearing will be tonight at 6:30 p.m. ET in the administration office on the school’s campus.

Interim Superintendent Chuck Kitchell will be retiring at the end of June. He has been with the Culver Community School Corporation for 28 years. Kitchell assumed the interim superintendent’s position at the end of December in 2015.

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Culver School Board Moves Forward in Superintendent Search

The Culver Community School Board is moving ahead with finding another superintendent.

Interim Superintendent Chuck Kitchell is leaving the corporation and entering retirement on June 30. He has been with the Culver Community School Corporation for 28 years in various roles: teaching, coach, assistant principal, principal, and director of operations. Kitchell assumed the interim superintendent’s position at the end of December 2015 when then-superintendent Vicki McGuire resigned to fill a similar position at a different school corporation.

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Culver Boys and Girls Club Going Strong

The Culver Community School Board received an update on programs offered with the Culver Boys and Girls Club.

Club Director Jessye Gilley said the club started in 2007 with 35 kids a day while today there are 92 students who attend activities as an average daily membership. The total active enrollment is 219. The club welcomes Culver students and many other students in the area to attend the available after school programs.

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Culver School Board to Meet Tonight

The Culver Community School Board will meet in regular session tonight with a light agenda.

The Culver Boys and Girls Club will have a presentation to the board. The board will also approve elementary, middle and high school intersession teachers. The Science and Health Textbook Adoption Committee have made their recommendations and they will be reviewed by the board.

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Culver School Board Preview

The Culver Schools Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for tonight at 7:00 [EST] will take place in the administrative office located at 700 School Street. The 2015/16 handbooks for the elementary, middle and high schools for the are in need of approval. An update about the title 1 grant is set to be discussed during tonight’s meeting as well as 2015/16 breakfast and lunch prices. Contract pay date clarifications for both the 2014/15 and 2015/16 school years is another one of the action items the board will cover during the meeting this evening.

Culver Community School Board Reorganizes, Approves Master Agenda

Front L-R: Dr. Vicki McGuire, Marina Cavazos Back L-R: William J. Sonnemaker, Mark Maes, Ryan Sieber, Ken Vandeputte, Jack Jones, Jim Wentzel
Front L-R: Dr. Vicki McGuire, Marina Cavazos
Back L-R: William J. Sonnemaker, Mark Maes, Ryan Sieber, Ken Vandeputte, Jack Jones, Jim Wentzel

The Culver Community School Board elected officers for 2015 after the swearing-in of recently reelected members Jack Jones, William Sonnemaker and Ryan Sieber. Ken Vandeputte replaces Jack Jones as president. Jim Wentzel succeeds Vandeputte as vice president, and Mark Maes took over Wentzel’s previous seat of secretary. Continue reading

School Board Candidates Can Now Submit Petitions for General Election


Candidates looking to sign up to run in the November 4th General Election for seats on the Knox Community School Board, Culver Community School Board or the Oregon-Davis School Board can do so now in the Starke County Clerk’s office.

Three seats are open on all of the school boards. Each candidate must file a petition with Starke County Clerk Evelyn Skronski by noon on Aug. 22 to be considered for placement on the ballot.

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Culver Community School Board Hires Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

CulverHSA familiar face at Culver Community High School will be back next year in a dual role. Speech teacher Luke Biernacki  is the new assistant principal for the middle and high schools and and athletic director for the entire corporation. The Culver Community School Board hired him last night after a brief executive session. Superintendent Dr. Vicki McGuire says combining the administrative roles will allow for more dedicated academic accountability by the principals, as well as working on improving graduation rates. Biernacki says the opportunity is a perfect fit for his career goals.

“I’ve had my administrative license for a couple of years and been looking to move up,” he said in an interview after the meeting. “I’ve always wanted to move up with this corporation. It’s been a wonderful experience for the past six years. What I love most is the people I work with and the students and the community. It’s the best I’ve ever seen, and I look forward to continuing to work with them.”

Biernacki adds he wants to continue to meet the students’ needs and provide them the best possible experience. He’s also looking forward to working with new Culver Community High School Principal Brett Berndt and coaches as he transitions into his dual role.




Culver School Board Calls Meeting to Hire New Administrator

CulverHSThe Culver Community School Board appears poised to hire a combination assistant principal and athletic director for the middle and high schools. They’re meeting Tuesday, May 27 at 7:15 p.m. EDT at the administration office for that purpose. Culver Superintendent Dr. Vicki McGuire stresses the schools will remain separate. She says the corporation is just combining the administrative roles in order to save money. The meeting is open to the public. It will follow an executive session, presumably for the purpose of reaching a final decision. Final action on all personnel decisions must take place during a public meeting.




Culver Community School Corporation Hires High School Principal

Culver Community High School will consider moving to a "balanced schedule".
Culver Community High School will consider moving to a “balanced schedule”.

The Culver Community School Board has hired a new high school principal. Brett Berndt will take over that job July 1st. He replaces Albert Hanselman, who recently took a job as the director of the North Central Vocational Educational Cooperative.

Berndt previously served as dean of students at Culver Community High School.

Superintendent Dr. Vicki McGuire says the corporation is now looking to fill the combined position of assistant principal and athletic director. Whomever they hire will serve in that capacity at the middle and high schools. McGuire stresses the schools will remain separate. She says the corporation is just combining the administrative roles in order to save money.

Applications are currently being accepted. McGuire says the school board hopes to approve a hire at their June 16 meeting.