New Sign Going Up for Culver Community Schools

Culver Community School Corporation is currently in the process of installing a new sign that better represents the school corporation. Back in September, the Culver Community School Board discussed the design of the sign.

At the Culver Town Council meeting last Wednesday, Superintendent Karen Shuman alerted the board that the old sign was taken down that day and they are planning to have the new one up within the next week. Continue reading

Starke County Manufacturer’s Day Event and Job Fair Set


WorkOne and the Starke County Economic Development Foundation will be hosting a Job Fair on Wednesday, Oct. 11 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. CT at the Knox Middle School Auxiliary Gym. This is a new event this year that is designed to showcase what is available for employment in Starke County as workers are needed for several positions. Students and adults are invited to this event.

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Culver Superintendent’s Report Includes Proposed Programs for Students Young and Old

The report delivered by Superintendent Karen Shuman at the Culver School Board meeting Monday night contained some proposed programs for both older and younger students in the Culver community.

Shuman told the board about potential teen programs they are looking into with the assistance of a local group of community members. She said that with programs specifically targeted at teenagers, they are hoping to bridge the gap between Culver Community students, surrounding community schools’ students and students from Culver Academy. The potential program has been entitled ‘Teen Canteen’ and would provide certain activities for teen students to do on Friday and Saturday nights.

For younger community members, Shuman said the school corporation is looking into becoming an On-My-Way Pre-K school. Though they currently have some programs in place, they are looking to move those to their school corporation to help service parents more locally. Continue reading

Culver Community School Corporation Releases Registration Information

The administration and staff members at the Culver Community School Corporation are ready to welcome students for the 2017-2018 school year.

Registration for students in kindergarten through 12th grade is Tuesday, July 18 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Wednesday, July 19 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET at the Middle/High School Media Center. Parents may pre-register online now by using the Harmony account. An application for free and reduced-price lunches may be completed during online registration, although paper applications will be available during registration. Income verification is required. For more information, call the corporation at (574) 842-3364.

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Students In Class Today to Make Up for Weather Misses

CalendarStudents at a couple of area corporations are in class today to make up for days missed due to weather. This was an optional day for both Culver Community and North Judson-San Pierre Schools based on the calendars adopted for the 2015-16 school year. Both ended up using today as a make-up due to inclement weather.

Culver Schedules Snow Make-Up Day

CalendarStudents in the Culver Community School Corporation will be in class this Friday, Feb. 6, weather permitting. Superintendent Vicki McGuire says it’s a make-up day for Monday, Feb. 2 when school was canceled due to snow. Anyone with questions can contact the Culver Community School Corporation office at 574-842-3364.

Schools to Make up Missed Days of School

 Schools closed three days last week due to weather which means students will be making up those lost days of instruction.

West Central School Superintendent Don Street explains what his corporation will do to make up those days.

“Feb. 16 and April 20 are two snow make-up days we have. We’re also exploring the possibility of e-learning days and designate Saturdays as a possibility to make up future days missed,” said Street.

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Teacher Performance Grants Awarded to Several Local Schools

Indiana Department of EducationEducators at several local schools will receive a share of the $30 million in Teacher Performance Grants awarded by the state to more than 1,300 schools. Funds were given to schools with students earning ISTEP+ or end of course assessment passing scores of 72.5 percent or above or with a growth in graduation rates of 5 percent ore more from the previous year. Teachers who are rated effective or highly effective under Indiana’s teacher evaluation system for the 2013-2014 academic year will be paid based on student performance. Continue reading

Culver Community School Corporation Applies for State Grant

CulverHSThe Culver Community School Corporation is seeking a $52,747 grant from the state for retention incentives for highly effective teachers. The purpose of the state grant is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts improve teacher and principal quality and effectiveness. Evaluations of the teachers determine who receives part of the grant as a bonus. Continue reading