Culver Community School Board Members Approve Field Trip Requests

The Culver Community School Board members approved a few different field trip requests when they met earlier this week. Superintendent Karen Shuman stated that one of the requested field trips will be funded by the Parent Teacher Organization.

Shuman said, “Our PTO provides behavior incentive trips to multiple students throughout the school year and one that’s coming up at the end of January is a trip to Plymouth for our 6th graders to go bowling as a reward for them doing what they’re supposed to do in school.” Continue reading

Culver Community School Students Receive Career Pathway Presentations

Last week, while Culver Community Schools were conducting NWEA testing, they concurrently held career pathway presentations for some junior and senior high school students.

Superintendent Karen Shuman shared that one of the speakers was school board member Bill Sonnemaker. He came and spoke to students about working as an engineer for 40 years. He told them how he worked in the aero-space industry and provided some details about particular projects he tackled within that field.

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Pre-K Program at Culver Community Schools Will Not Be Implemented in January, Could Possibly Start Next School Year

A decision has been made to not move forward with a Pre-Kindergarten program at Culver Community Schools in January of next year. However, according to Superintendent Karen Shuman that doesn’t mean it is completely out of the question.

Shuman said, “We do hope to come next school year, when we do kindergarten round-up we’ll be doing a pre-k round-up at the same time.” The superintendent explained that they’ll determine whether or not to implement a program depending on the number of people who attend the round-up for children who would be heading into preschool. Continue reading

Culver Community School Board Establishes System to Review Policies

Policies adoption was the main focus of the Culver Community School Board meeting that took place Monday night.

Superintendent Karen Shuman said that some of the policies and procedures were already in place but the board needed to have a first reading in order for them to be entered into the system. She said one policy that was noticeably changed had to do with background checks.
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Culver FFA President Provides Presentation to School Board Members

The Culver Community School Board received a presentation from FFA President Alex Temme who told them all about Culver’s involvement in this year’s National FFA Conference.

FFA members were able to watch the rodeo there as well as exhibit some of their agricultural skills. Superintendent Karen Shuman said that Culver students experienced some success with their soil judging presentations, getting ranked as one of the top ten teams to compete. Continue reading

Culver Superintendent Shares Plans to Tackle Jr/Sr High Cafeteria Project

When the Culver Community School Board met last week, Superintendent Karen Shuman shared a few updates about a remodeling project that will be tackled in the near future.

All three elements of the project; lighting, furnishing and flooring, would be focused in the cafeteria at the Junior/Senior High School building. According to Principal Brett Berndt, certain elements of the cafeteria date back nearly 50 years. During a previous school board meeting he mentioned how the floors have not been renovated since they were installed in 1968. Continue reading

Culver Community Schools Benefit from the Season of Giving

Culver Community School Board members approved multiple donations when they met earlier this week.

A large donation that was up for board approval was from a local family who provided $10,000 to the band program this year and promised to donate $5,000 annually for the next three years.

Superintendent Karen Shuman stated that much of the donation money from this year will be used to purchase instruments and band chairs but some funds could potentially go toward redesigning the band room as well. Continue reading

Culver Community Schools See Enrollment Growth

Culver Community School Board members received a brief enrollment report from Superintendent Karen Shuman when they met Monday night.

According to the Indiana Department of Education enrollment report, Culver Community Schools had a total enrollment of 840 students in 2016. Shuman shared that after comparing this year’s number to last year’s, she found the school corporation has nine more students in general. Continue reading

Culver Community Schools Seek Parental Input about Need for Pre-K Classes

Officials at Culver Community Schools are asking local parents to help them determine whether or not there is a need for day care or Pre-Kindergarten classes for 4 and 5-year-olds within the town of Culver and the surrounding area.

Superintendent Karen Shuman is encouraging interested parents to contact the corporation office and says parents should be ready to answer questions, such as whether or not the child is currently 4 or 5 or if they will be 4 by August 1st of 2018.

They’re also collecting information about preferences for AM, PM or all-day classes. They want to know whether or not the parent is currently working or attending school and if the child would need transportation in order to attend a Culver Pre-K class. Continue reading

Culver School Board Ratifies 2017-18 Teacher Contract

The 2017-2018 Master Teacher’s Contract was ratified by the Culver Community School Board when they met Monday night.

Superintendent Karen Shuman mentioned that the Culver Community Schools Teacher’s Association unanimously ratified the contract last week on Thursday. A newly hired teacher will make a minimum of $32,500 if they have zero to five years of experience. A new hire can make a maximum of $45,000 if they have sixteen or more years of experience. Continue reading

Culver School Board Scheduled to Ratify Collective Bargaining Agreement at Tonight’s Meeting

When the Culver Community School Board meets this evening they will discuss the ratification of the 2017-2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement.

A few weeks ago, Superintendent Karen Shuman shared that the teacher contract was 99 percent complete, they have just been working on correcting some language. She said the teacher’s union ratified the contract on October 24 and the next step is the board’s ratification tonight. Continue reading

Culver School Board Adopts Capital Project & Bus Replacement Plans

Resolutions proposing the adoption of the 2018 Budget, capital projects plan and bus replacement plan came before the Culver Community School Board following a public hearing held at their Monday evening meeting.

No public comments were provided during the hearing. The board then went on to adopt the resolutions for the 2018-2020 capital projects plan and the 2018 bus replacement plan. Continue reading