Culver Town Council Looking to Fill Board and Commission Positions for 2018

The Culver Town Council is looking for volunteers to serve on several boards and commissions that have seats available for service in 2018.

The Culver Redevelopment Commission has five seats on the board and those members are appointed annually. Three candidates are chosen by the town council and two by the town council president. The Culver Redevelopment Commission meets every third Monday of the month. The applicant must be a Culver resident. Continue reading

Budget Hearing Scheduled for Culver Town Council Meeting Tonight

The Culver Town Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing and the first reading for their proposed 2018 budget. Council members will also receive an update on the Stellar Communities Designation Program plan when they meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. EDT in Culver Town Hall.

Council members will address an ordinance that will amend and restate a past ordinance which establishes fees or costs for the Town of Culver Park and Recreation Department. Continue reading

Culver Town Council to Review Stellar Communities Application

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council members will review the town’s Stellar Communities application when they meet tonight.

The council appealed to residents last month to complete a survey. The survey asked participants to see which projects would be important in making significant changes to the community, what can be done to entice people to come to Culver, and tools to help boost the local economy. The survey results were due March 1.

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Culver Town Hall May Soon Relocate

culver town hall
The Culver Town Hall may soon be relocating after a number of issues at their current location have prompted them to seek a new building elsewhere. According to Town Manager David Schoeff, their biggest concern is the condition of their existing building, as well as safety and health concerns. He said the cost of remodeling the building has been a regular discussion item, and the city council is now starting to increase efforts in searching for a new building.

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Cooling Stations Open in Culver

The Town of Culver welcomes you to cool off at two designated cooling stations. You may stop in at Town Hall on 200 E. Washington Street or at the Beach Lodge on Lake Shore Drive. Those locations will be open Tuesday, July 17 through Thursday, July 19 during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. ET.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Town Hall at (574) 842-3140.