Tippecanoe Township Taxpayers to Decide on Deannexation

Monterey Elementary School

Monterey Town Board President Jim Fleury told WKVI News yesterday that petitions to deannex from the Culver Community School Corporation are almost finalized and should be ready to be distributed. A committee wanting to deannex and go with the Eastern Pulaski School District will be seeking the signatures of registered voters and taxpayers in Tippecanoe Township. The petitions should be showing up in businesses as early as Friday of this week.

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Oregon-Davis Schools Rank First in I-STEP Test Improvement

Oregon-Davis Jr/Sr High School

On Tuesday, July 12th, The Indiana Department of Education released I-STEP results. The Oregon-Davis School Corporation ranked #1 in the State of Indiana out of 292 corporations for improvement overall. That includes all grades in English and Math. The Oregon-Davis School Corporation students displayed a 14.6% improvement from 2010 to 2011.

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Culver Community Schools Tracking Direction of Monterey Elementary Students

Culver Community School Superintendent Brad Schuldt

Since the closing of the Monterey Elementary School, there have been rumors that some of the students will go to the Eastern Pulaski School system, instead of going into Culver Community.

Culver Community School Superintendent Brad Schuldt was asked if he anticipates losing students because of the closure.

“We expected this to be an issue, and in fact, when we did some financial planning, the numbers that we used did include a reduction of students over the next two years,” said Schuldt. “Of course the big question is going to be how many students will be moving. That is a number that is changing rather regularly. I know that some of the families have requested transcripts to be sent to a new school corporation. That’s pretty much how we can keep track of people who have actually made the move.”

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Eastern Pulaski School Board Discusses Discipline Issues

Dr. Robert Klitzman
Dr. Robert Klitzman

Administrators and teachers in the Eastern Pulaski School system have been working on ways to more effectively handle discipline problems. The mission is now being mandated from the state, and the directive is clear. In school or out of school suspensions are to be eliminated.

Superintendent Dr. Robert Klitzman says the Corporation has put effort into this directive.

“Every school in Indiana had to use scientifically-based research to come up with ways to be proactive and keep the discipline as best they can from being administered where it’s outside the classroom,” said Dr. Klitzman.

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Eastern Pulaski School Board Approves Summer School Class

The Eastern Pulaski School Board approved one summer school class at its meeting this week.

“We’re going to offer summer PE,” said Superintendent Dr. Robert Klitzman. “Right now, we have 55 students signed up. It’s a three-and-a-half hour block of PE and they’re able to do so many things that you can not do during the school year because of time constraints. They’ll do activities like canoeing, biking and fishing.”

Students and Teachers Get Ready for Winter Break

Friday, December 17th, marks the last day for students at some schools before they embark on winter break. Friday is the last day for students at the Knox Community School Corporation. Teachers will return to classrooms on Monday, January 3rd and students on Tuesday, January 4th. The Knox Community School Board canceled their meeting for Monday, December 20th and will not meet until Monday, January 3rd.

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