After two rounds of bidding, the Hamlet Town Council has decided not to pursue grant funding for Railroad Street improvements at this time. Council members voted Wednesday to reject all three paving bids and table a Community Crossings application until the January call for projects.
Hamlet Council to Allow Paving Companies to Adjust Railroad Street Project Bids
The Hamlet Town Council spent almost an hour Thursday trying to bring its proposed Railroad Street project in line with the town’s budget. The town plans to apply for a Community Crossings Grant to cover 75 percent of the cost, while the rest would likely come out of Hamlet’s Economic Development Income Tax Fund.
Hamlet Council Makes Funding Arrangements for Water Main Repair, Insurance Questions Remain
Whether or not Hamlet’s insurance will cover the cost of fixing a recent water main break was discussed during Wednesday’s town council meeting. The town has ended up with nearly $28,000 in repair bills from January’s water main break. It happened when Shoulder Bolts and a valve failed, according to Water and Street Superintendent Fred Rowe.
Starke County Economic Development Director Discusses EDIT Funds with County Council
Starke County Economic Development Foundation Director, Charles Weaver, came before the County Council this week. He asked the members to appropriate the money received from the County economic income tax collections and use the funds appropriately.
Over $1.2 million dollars is appropriated for County bridges. Weaver explained why the bridge funds come from economic income taxes.
“One-half of the economic development income tax monies collected goes into bridges,” explained Weaver. This is an agreement that was reached some number of years ago when it was realized that the cumulative rate, which the County had always adopted to maintain bridges, was insufficient to maintain the bridges.”
The amount of collections received for the County’s use in 2011 is $200,000 less than what was received in 2010. Those County Commissioner’s economic funds can be used in conjunction with the Economic Development Foundation. Weaver was asked how the $200,000 revenue reduction would impact things he has on the drawing board.
“The amount that goes to the Economic Development Foundation would be less than what it was last year. We’re stretching it. We’ve got some projects in mind that we need to do and we’re trying to prioritize those as the most fruit comes to bear. When we have a project that is going to create jobs, we’re going to put the money there.”
The County Economic Income Tax is divided one-half for bridges, three-eighths for Starke County Economic Foundation work, and one-eighth for Starke County government.