Pulaski County Freezes Employee Wages in Midst of Longevity Debate

Pulaski County CourthouseFollowing cuts to their 2016 budget, Pulaski County has made a couple of decisions regarding employee compensation.

A joint session of the Pulaski County Commissioners and County Council took place Wednesday night. The goal was to review a matrix defining salaries for the County’s employees. Pulaski County has previously stated its goal of bringing compensation to a level that supports longevity.
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Starke County Commissioners Discuss Snow Days and Pay for County Employees

Starke County Commissioners ( L to R ) Kathy Norem, Dan Bridegroom, Jennifer Davis

On December 13th, Starke County had a level one snow emergency, prompting the County Commissioners to close the Courthouse. That brought up the question of “should employees be paid when the courthouse is closed?”

It was noted that no policy is in place to address this question. At the last Commissioners meeting, it was decided to pay the employees for that day, but in the future, “snow days” must be used as a vacation day, or a non-paid day. Sick days cannot be used for this type of situation.

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