It’s hard to believe, but Vietnam war hero Andy Howes would have celebrated his 62nd birthday today had he lived. Born in Little Rock, Ark., on June 15, 1950, and raised in Knox, Chief Warrant Officer Andy Howes was a copilot on Rattler 91, a Huey helicopter from the 71st Assault Helicopter Co. which was stationed at Chu Lai, South Vietnam.
While on a mission with two other helicopters in November 1970, Rattler 91 lost radio contact and failed to return to base. A search failed to turn up the helicopter or the bodies of the four-member crew. Over the years though, the remains of the pilot and two crewmen were found, but not the remains of Warrant Officer Andy Howes. Through the efforts of POW groups and the United States Government, the search continued for those left behind. Remains that were not identified were returned to Hawaii to await identification.