Knox City Council to Consider Loans between City Funds to Prepare for COVID-19 Impact

The Knox City Council will take steps tonight to prepare for COVID-19’s impact on the city’s finances. Council members will consider temporary loans of $150,000 from the Economic Development Income Tax Fund to the General Fund and $35,000 from the Rainy Day Fund to the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund. Mayor Dennis Estok told the board of works Friday that MVH is expected to take a big hit.

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Pulaski County Officials to Research Tax Adjustments, Spending Cuts, As Fiscal Planning Continues

Pulaski County officials may soon be asking state lawmakers to help balance out the county’s tax structure. The county currently has one of the highest income tax rates in the state but relatively low property taxes. But fiscal planning consultant Jeffrey Peters told the county council and commissioners Monday that simply replacing income taxes with property taxes isn’t always possible.

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First Part of Fiscal Plan Presented to Pulaski County Council, Commissioners

Fiscal Planning Consultant Jeffrey Peters (standing) discusses Pulaski County’s finances with the county council and commissioners

Pulaski County could see annual funding shortfalls of $2.7 million within the next few years, if it remains on its current financial path. Consultant Jeffrey Peters presented the first part of a fiscal plan to the county council and commissioners Monday.

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Pulaski County Council Approves Budget Transfer to Cover Shortfall in Jailer Overtime Funds

Housing and transporting federal inmates continues to cause budget challenges for the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff Jeff Richwine told the county council Tuesday that while the effort is making money for the county overall, the associated income and expenses are in two different parts of the county’s budget.

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Culver School Board Accepts Donation for BPA Chapter, Approves Budget Transfers

The Culver School Board cleaned up a couple bookkeeping items when it met Monday. Treasurer Casey Howard said that the Special Education Grant wouldn’t be enough to cover costs. She explained that the grant application was turned in before teacher contract negotiations wrapped up and didn’t take into account a pay increase that ended up being included.

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Oregon-Davis School Board to Hold Public Work Session About Fiscal Strategic Planning

The Oregon-Davis School Board is holding a special work session on Monday to deliberate and receive public input about fiscal strategic planning for future operations. Specifically, the meeting will pertain to the general and referendum funds of the Oregon-Davis School Corporation.

Any visitor has the opportunity to speak but they must inform the school board president in advance by registering before the meeting begins. A registration sheet will be available at least thirty minute prior to the meeting. Continue reading

Culver Community School Board Adopts 2018 Budget

The Culver Community School Board adopted the 2018 budget when they met Monday evening. Superintendent Karen Shuman stated that their budget is in line with their enrollment and all accounts are in good standing.

Superintendent Shuman also said their taxation will remain status quo and representatives of the school corporation are hoping that the new housing being developed in the community will boost enrollment which would increase revenue and allow for the school to offer more programs to Culver Community students.<!–more–>

Culver Community School Corporation’s general fund comes in around $6.1 million and the capital projects fund has more than $2 million estimated. The 2018 budget has an estimated total of $12,189,792. To view the budget notice provided through Indiana Gateway for Government Units <a href=”;yr=2018&amp;mode=ALL” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>click here.</a>