House Republicans to Text Bill Updates

There’s a new way for the public to stay up-to-date on legislation, as the Indiana House Republicans led by House Speaker Brian Bosma are working to send out text message updates on certain bills as they proceed through the legislative process. Bosma said this is a great way to communicate to the public while providing transparency, and he hopes it will get more people involved with the happenings at the Statehouse.

This decision is an extension of several transparency initiatives Bosma launched in previous years; in 2005, he began live streaming House floor proceedings, and in 2011, he made every House committee meeting available online. In January, he hosted the first ever “tweet seats,” making Indiana the only state to host such an event.

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Senator Charbonneau Discusses Right-to-Work

State Senator Ed Charbonneau

Fifth District Republican Senator Ed Charbonneau was recently questioned about the possible upheaval at the state legislature over Governor Mitch Daniels’ announcement to push right-to-work legislation. Governor Daniels, House Speaker Brian Bosma and Senate Speaker David Long, have called getting right-to-work legislation passed their “top priority.”

Charbonneau concurred.

But even though his leadership is pushing the measure hard, Charbonneau is unsure that he can support it.

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