The Town of Winamac will soon be paying more for electricity, but how much of an increase gets passed along to customers remains to be seen. The Indiana Municipal Power Agency told the town that the cost of electricity will go up by about three percent starting January 1, according to Town Manager Brad Zellers.
Continue readingWinamac Town Council Extends Contract with IMPA Through 2050
The Winamac Town Council recently considered an ordinance that would extend their contract with the Indiana Municipal Power Agency (IMPA) through the year 2050.
Continue readingWinamac Officials Review IMPA Report, Town Rates Reportedly Low Comparatively
Winamac Town Council members were presented with a report from the Indiana Municipal Power Agency (IMPA) when they met last Monday.
Continue readingWinamac Officials Permit Electric Dept. to Pursue System Model for Needed Upgrades
When the Winamac Town Council met on Monday, Electric Department Superintendent Doug Shorter informed them about an overdue system upgrade.
Continue readingWinamac Town Council Considers Net Metering
Winamac residents and businesses that generate their own electricity using solar or wind power may soon have a new system for selling that power back to the town. Continue reading