As they do every year, the Indiana Sheriff’s Association (ISA) will soon be offering an opportunity to seventh and eighth-grade students who are interested in pursuing a future career in law enforcement.
This summer marks the 40th year the ISA will be hosting their annual Youth Leadership Camp.
Starke County officials are looking at short and long-term ways to shore up operating expenses at the new jail. It has been open for about a year, and budgeted operating costs were based on an actuarial study done for the county. Information shared during last night’s joint meeting of the council and commissioners indicates those recommendations may have been based on flawed information. Continue reading →
The Indiana Sheriff’s Association (ISA) is awarding college scholarship to high school students or college students who are pursuing a degree in criminal justice.
LaPorte County Sheriff John Boyd said there are 40 scholarships valued at $500 to qualifying students throughout the state. Sheriff Boyd said the ISA provides invaluable services to the citizens of LaPorte County and the county is pleased to be a part of the scholarship program.
The applicant must be an Indiana resident, a current member of the ISA or dependent child or grandchild of a current member of the Indiana Sheriff’s Association, attend an Indiana college or university, major in a law enforcement-related field, and be enrolled is a full-time student.
Starke County Sheriff Bill Dulin says college scholarships are available from the Indiana Sheriff’s Association for qualified high school seniors or college students pursuing a career in criminal justice studies.
The Indiana Sheriff’s Association Scholarship Fund will award approximately 40 $500 scholarships to Indiana residents who are a current member of the association or a dependent child or grandchild of a current member. They must also attend an Indiana college or university, major in a law enforcement field and enroll as a full-time student. Continue reading →
Parents should be aware of who is living in the area before taking children trick-or-treating.
Online tools are available to learn the location of sex offenders in a certain area.
There are currently 35 registered sex offenders in Starke County, 21sex offenders listed in Pulaski County, 88 offenders in Marshall County and 183 sex offenders in LaPorte County.
The way the permitting process is done for firearm permits is changing and Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer says it will inconvenience the residents.
In an effort to go paperless, beginning in May the Indiana State Police is requiring fingerprinting to be done at a specific location that has a live scan machine to electronically scan fingerprints. These locations are set up throughout the state where a sheriff’s department is not involved in that part of the process. When complete, the fingerprints will electronically be sent to the state via the internet.
With the increase in focus on gun control, the Indiana Sheriff’s Association recently issued a statement regarding the controversial topic. The statement explained that while the debate over guns and gun control stirs strong feelings throughout the country, Indiana’s sheriffs have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and remain focused on solutions while not accepting any concept that would separate law-abiding citizens from their second amendment rights without due process.
The Indiana Sheriff’s Association is awarding college scholarships to qualified high school seniors or college students who are pursuing a degree in criminal justice studies. Forty $500 scholarships will be awarded to qualified students throughout the state.
Starke County Sheriff Oscar Cowen and Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer have applications in their offices or you may pick up an application in the Guidance office in your school. Applications must be received by April 1.
The Indiana Sheriff’s Association will be awarding college scholarships to qualified high school seniors or college students who are pursuing a degree in criminal justice studies. Starke County Sheriff Oscar Cowen encourages you to apply for one of 40$500 scholarships awarded to qualifying students throughout the state.
You must be an Indiana resident, be a current member of the Indiana Sheriff’s Association or a dependent child or grandchild of a current member of the association, attend an Indiana college or university, major in law enforcement field and enroll as a full-time student.