Hamlet Council Signs Onto Constellation of Starke Inter-Local Agreement

The Hamlet Town Council has signed onto an agreement outlining how the communities of the Constellation of Starke region will work together going forward, but not without some questions about the legality of some of its provisions. The inter-local agreement covers the relationship of the region’s member units during the application phase. If the region is designated a Stellar Community, it would also cover the construction and initial implementation phase lasting from 2020 to 2025.

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Culver Town Council Discusses Interlocal Agreement

The Culver Town Council members reviewed an interlocal agreement between the town, Marshall County and Marshall County Building Commissioner Chuck DeWitt.

It was the same document presented to the county commissioners last week for approval. Town Manager Jonathan Leist explained then that the agreement allows DeWitt to assist Culver with needs during county business hours on an annual basis. The fee was increased to $3,000 to bring it in line with the same services to the Town of Argos.

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