Resolution Passed to Prepare Bill of Impeachment For District 4 Knox City Councilman

Knox City Council members took another step to address the consistent absence of the Councilman for District 4 when they met on Thursday.

City council members have been discussing the continuous absence of Councilman Tim Manns for several months. Because Manns is an elected official he continues to be paid per meeting, despite missing 20 out of 24 meetings in 2017 and failing to attend a single meeting in 2018 so far.

According to an Employee Compensation Report through IndianaGateway, Manns raked in about $4,000 in 2017, making approximately $333 per month. Continue reading

Busy Agenda Provided for Tonight’s Knox City Council Meeting

Knox City Council members will meet a little bit earlier than usual in order to cover the multiple items listed on tonight’s agenda.

Prior to the start of the meeting, a public hearing over the 5-Year Park Master Plan will be held at 6:45 p.m. Members will also consider a resolution to approve the Master Plan later in the evening.

The meeting will officially commence at 7 p.m. and another public hearing will be held over the petition submitted by J.W. Hicks for annexation into the City of Knox. Continue reading

Knox City Council Considers Draft Ordinance Over “Official Duties” to Address Absenteeism Concerns

Knox City Council members received a draft of an ordinance that will establish official duties of council members after their meeting last Tuesday.

Knox Mayor Dennis Estok has been coordinating with Indianapolis attorney John Molitor to construct an ordinance that lays out official council duties. The draft ordinance addresses things such as meeting attendance, consequences for multiple misses and adequate constituent representation. Continue reading

Knox City Council Meets Tonight

Knox City Council members will receive a report from Mayor Dennis Estok when they meet tonight at 7 p.m.

There is a light agenda for tonight’s meeting, with the majority of topics coming from the Mayor’s report which will include an update about the Community Crossings Grant Project on Water Street, details about an upcoming visit from the organization “Neuter Scooter” and some information about the status of the continuously absent city council member and the proposed official duties ordinance. Continue reading

District 4 Knox City Councilman Submits Verbal Notification of Resignation, Members to Proceed with Official Duties Ordinance

Mayor Dennis Estok informed council members last Tuesday, that the councilman for District 4, Tim Manns, has verbally indicated that he intends to resign from the city council.

Mayor Estok said that Manns sited scheduling conflicts with work and family obligations as the reason for his resignation. Estok added that the verbal notification is not official and Manns will still need to submit a resignation in writing. Continue reading