Knox City Council Considers One Petition For Annexation and One for Vacation

Knox City Council amended their agenda to consider two petitions when they met last Tuesday. The first petition was from JW Hicks for voluntary annexation of a piece of real estate into the city of Knox. Members unanimously approved a motion to enter the petition into their minutes and to advertise for a public hearing over the request.

Members also addressed a request from business owner Tim Miller related a dual-purpose structure he’s trying to build on Pacific Avenue. Miller’s petition asks the city to vacate a 66-foot easement behind his property so he can meet the 40-foot set back requirement for rear-yards on commercial properties. Continue reading

Knox Clerk-Treasurer Alerts City Council Members About Several Property Liens

Knox Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston informed city council members that liens have been made against 9 properties in the city for overdue sewer and sanitation bills.

At Tuesday night’s city council meeting Clerk-Treasurer Houston shared that sewer and sanitation liens were recently filed, in accordance with state statute. He said initially 16 property owners were notified of past due bills. Continue reading

Mayor of Knox Provides Community Crossings Project Update at City Council Meeting

Knox Mayor Dennis Estok alerted city council members that work has begun on a Community Crossings Grant project. At Tuesday night’s city council meeting, Mayor Estok explained that crews recently began removing old curbs and sidewalks on Water Street.

As a part of the project that was submitted to INDOT and subsequently approved, curbs and sidewalks will be replaced and repaving on Water Street, as well as Main Street from U.S. 35 to Mound Street, will be completed. Continue reading

Knox City Council Meets Tonight

Knox City Council members will receive a report from Mayor Dennis Estok when they meet tonight at 7 p.m.

There is a light agenda for tonight’s meeting, with the majority of topics coming from the Mayor’s report which will include an update about the Community Crossings Grant Project on Water Street, details about an upcoming visit from the organization “Neuter Scooter” and some information about the status of the continuously absent city council member and the proposed official duties ordinance. Continue reading

Business Owner Submits Site Plan to Knox Planning Commission for Review, Faces Issue with Rear-Yard Setback Requirement

A Knox business owner looking to build a dual-purpose structure will have to complete a few more steps before construction can commence at his Pacific Avenue property.

Owner of Royal Star Builders Tim Miller came before the Planning Commission Tuesday night in order to present his site plan for review. Miller intends to construct a building at 409 Pacific Avenue that will serve as a shop for his construction company and an office for his wife’s bio-medical feedback business. Continue reading

Knox Clerk-Treasurer Discusses Impact that Circuit Breaker Tax Caps Have on the City’s Budget

Knox City Council members were informed about some anticipated changes to local circuit breaker tax caps they met last Tuesday.

Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston said that on March 1st, he attended a meeting with the financial advisors at Umbaugh and Associates where they presented information about funding in local government and the analysis of assessed value.

He added that Mayor Dennis Estok, county representatives, local school administrators and other city and town officials were also in attendance at the March meeting.  Continue reading

Knox Clerk-Treasurer Discusses Event Success and Important Takeaway from the SCEDF Retreat

Starke County Community Services recently received a plethora of food donations thanks to the “Bluegrass Jam” event hosted by the City of Knox on March 25th.

At Tuesday night’s Knox City Council meeting Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston mentioned that the entry fee for the event was a food donation. Although he didn’t have an exact number for how much food was collected, he said the event was very well attended. He added that many people also provided compliments about the upgrades to the Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center.

During his report, Houston also filled members in on the Starke County Economic Development Foundation Community Retreat that he attended with Mayor Dennis Estok and Councilman Jeff Berg. Continue reading

Knox City Council Members Sign Annual Nepotism Contracts

Nepotism contracts were passed out and signed during Tuesday night’s Knox City Council meeting.

Nepotism contracts are signed to prevent any potential conflicts-of-interest from occurring within a municipality. Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston informed the council members that during a meeting he recently attended, he was advised to include this on the agenda even though it is an annual procedure.

Houston said there was one document that was passed out and signed to all the present council members. He added that since Councilman Don Kring recently completed some work for the city police department, there was another document only needed his signature. Continue reading

Knox City Council Considers General Obligation Bond Ordinances on First Reading

Knox City Council moved one step closer to acquiring a new fire truck for the Knox-Center Township Fire Department when they met Tuesday evening.

Two ordinances related to the 2018 General Obligation Bonds that will be required for the fire truck purchase were passed on first reading.

The first ordinance authorizes the sale of the bonds while the second one permits the funds to be appropriated once the truck is ready to be purchased. Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston explained that the ordinances will need to be advertised before they can be passed on final reading. Continue reading

Knox City Council to Consider Ordinances Pertaining to G.O. Bonds at Tonight’s Meeting

Ordinances pertaining to the authorization and appropriation of the 2018 General Obligation Bonds will be considered when Knox City Council members meet tonight.

The G.O Bonds are being acquired for the purchase of a fire truck for the Knox-Center Township Fire Department.

Members are also expected to discuss nepotism and contracting certifications. Continue reading

Knox City Council Considers the Potential of Installing a Digital Message Board

This is an idea of what the proposed self-standing sign would look like. Mayor Estok said certain details, such as the colors, can be changed.

The possibility of installing a digital message board near the entryway into Knox was discussed during last week’s city council meeting. Mayor Dennis Estok told members that a message board could be utilized to notify citizens about upcoming events or any other messages that they may need to convey.

He said after doing a bit of research, he found there are few different options they have to consider. They can get a sign that would be on wheels, similar to what traffic control uses. That would cost approximately $15,000 to $20,000.

The other option they have is a sign that would be placed in the ground. Continue reading

District 4 Knox City Councilman Submits Verbal Notification of Resignation, Members to Proceed with Official Duties Ordinance

Mayor Dennis Estok informed council members last Tuesday, that the councilman for District 4, Tim Manns, has verbally indicated that he intends to resign from the city council.

Mayor Estok said that Manns sited scheduling conflicts with work and family obligations as the reason for his resignation. Estok added that the verbal notification is not official and Manns will still need to submit a resignation in writing. Continue reading

Local Artists to Collaborate on Mural for Serenity Gardens in Knox

Mayor Dennis Estok shared some information with Knox City Council members about a mural that will be put up on the wall behind Serenity Gardens located at the corner of Main and Lake Streets in downtown Knox.

At Tuesday night’s city council meeting, Mayor Estok said that he met with some local talent recently and brainstormed some ideas about how to tackle the project.

“We do have three local artists, Joe Eskridge, Zac Hunter and Ryan Ehresman, they’re all three working together,” Estok explained, “What they’re going to do is basically, they’re going do three different themes and what I want them to do is bring the themes in and invite the public to view them and everything.” Continue reading

Check-In Procedure to Be Added to Knox Spring Clean-Up Days

Mayor Dennis Estok alerted Knox City Council members of some changes that will be made to procedures for Spring Clean-Up Days this year.

During Tuesday night’s city council meeting, Mayor Estok said there were some issues with last year’s event.

“Basically we are changing the format on that,” Estok explained, “last year, we went through a record-high 8 dumpsters at a cost of four thousand some dollars. Probably fifty or sixty percent of the stuff coming in was from out of town residents.” Continue reading

Knox City Council Approves Pacific Avenue Rezoning Request

Four plots on West Pacific Avenue in Knox were rezoned from residential to commercial at Tuesday night’s City Council meeting.

The owner of Royal Star Builders Timothy Miller came before the Planning Commission in February with a request to rezone a property he purchased at 409 West Pacific Avenue. Miller plans to build a structure there that would serve a dual purpose. Continue reading

Knox City Council to Meet Tonight

Amendments to the existing curfew ordinance for the City of Knox will be considered during tonight’s city council meeting at 7 p.m.

According to the council packet provided by administrative assistant Peggy Travis, the curfew ordinance currently in place was originally adopted in October of 1989.

City council members are also anticipated to receive a presentation from Starke County Economic Development Foundation Special Projects Coordinator Ron Gifford. As usual, a monthly progress report will be provided. Continue reading

Zoning Request Accepted by Knox Planning Commission Will Go Before City Council for Final Approval

Knox Planning Commission members held a public hearing over a rezoning request when they met Tuesday night.

In February, Timothy Miller came before the commission requesting permission to rezone a piece of property on Pacific Avenue from residential to commercial. At Tuesday’s meeting, he reminded the members of the specifics related to his request. Continue reading

Knox City Council Votes to Establish Ordinance Defining the Official Duties of Council Members

Knox City Council members voted to move forward with establishing an ordinance that would define the official duties of city council members when they met last week.

Up until now, the duties of a council member have been implied but unspecified. This proposed ordinance would establish expectations and responsibilities for council members, including things such as attendance and constituent representation. Continue reading