The Knox Water Department for the City of Knox will be flushing hydrants through the remainder of the week.
Continue readingWeek One of Leaf-Pick Up for the City of Knox Starts on Monday
Knox residents are reminded that spring leaf pick-up will begin next week on Monday, April 1st.
The first week of leaf pick-up will run from the first day of April through Friday, April 5th. Leaves will be picked up again during the week of Monday, April 29th through Friday, May 3rd.
Continue readingCity of Knox Leaf Pick-Up Starts Monday
Spring leaf pick-up will be starting soon in the City of Knox.
The Mayor’s Office recently sent out a notice, announcing that the leaf pick-up will begin on April 2nd and run until April 6th. Pick-ups will take place again from April 30th through May 4th.
Branches and limbs will be picked up the Knox Street Department each Thursday.
Residents should place all leaves in front of their residence in a long row next to the curb on the street, not by the alley. Also be sure to clear any trash out of your piles so the vacuum will be able to pick up the leaves. Continue reading