Citizens Encouraged to Attend Public Hearing Over Knox Parks 5-Year Master Plan Tonight

A public hearing over the Knox Parks 5-Year Master Plan will be held tonight at 6 p.m. in City Hall.

The draft plan had to be submitted to the DNR by January 15th in order for the city to be eligible for potential funding for proposed park plans. Mayor Dennis Estok reported that it was turned in on time and it will be discussed during the hearing tonight.

Additionally, Troyer Group representative will discuss the results from the online survey that was conducted. Mayor Estok mentioned that more than 250 surveys were received. Continue reading

Knox Park Board Approves Requests for Summer Concession Stand Operations

Knox Park Board members approved two requests about summer concession stand operations when they met Thursday night.

Starke County Youth Baseball and Softball League President Travis Markin was permitted to continue operating out of the concession stand near the basketball court, while Knox City Police Chief Harold Smith received permission to continue running the other existing concession stand.

Park Board members also considered what to do when the new concession stand is built. Continue reading

Next Public Hearing Over Knox Parks 5-Year Master Plan to be Held in February

Last week, Mayor Dennis Estok established a date and time to hold the next public hearing over the Knox Parks 5-year Master Plan.

Estok explained that this second hearing will be held in order to go over the draft master plan that was submitted to the DNR earlier this month. The results of the online survey, which garnered more than 250 responses, will also be covered. Continue reading

Damage to Wythogan Fence Included in Park Superintendent’s Report

Knox Park Superintendent George Byer informed Park Board members about damage caused to about 40-feet of a fence in Wythogan Park.

During his report Thursday night, Byer explained that a few weeks ago, the fence around baseball diamond three sustained damage from an automobile.

“We had a hit-and-run about two weeks ago, during the last snow storm.” He said, “I happened to be there around 11 and everything was fine but I made another pass through around 12:30 and the damage was done.” Continue reading

Knox City Council Approves Grant Administrator Agreement with KIRPC

Knox City Council members considered a grant administrator agreement with Kankakee-Iroquois Regional Planning Commission on Tuesday night. KIRPC representative Shawn Cain told the council that the agreement would be to assist the city with the OCRA grant they recently received for the Knox Parks 5-Year Master Plan.

Cain said the agreement would allow KIRPC reps to assist the clerk-treasurer with reports and claims and they’d also be available to answer any questions that the council members may have in the future. Cain added that there is a $2,000 charge for their services. Continue reading

Mayor Estok Proposes Date for Public Hearing Over Park Plan Draft

Today marks the final day that the draft of the Knox Parks 5-Year Master Plan can be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources in order for the City of Knox to be eligible for funding assistance for the proposed park projects.

Knox Mayor Dennis Estok reports the draft plan is complete and will be submitted on time. He also mentioned that he’s been corresponding with Architect Mike Reese from the Troyer Group about the date for the next public hearing over the Knox Parks 5-Year Master Plan. Continue reading

City of Knox Park Survey Opens Today, Public Hearing Scheduled for Next Week

Knox officials are working to update and renew the city’s 5-year Park Master Plan.

At Tuesday night’s city council meeting, Mayor Dennis Estok announced that a public hearing is scheduled for Thursday, December 7 at 6 p.m. in Knox City Hall. Community members will have a chance to provide their input about what they’d like to see implemented at the parks over the next few years. Continue reading

Sponsors Sought for Additional Wythogan Park Band Stage Events

Knox officials are set to cut the ribbon for the city’s newest amenity today and are hoping it will get lots of use throughout the summer.

The performance stage in Wythogan Park will be dedicated at 2:30 p.m. The brief program will be followed by a free concert in the park sponsored by the city. Jim Pulse will start the entertainment at 3 p.m. and will play until 5 or 5:30. After that Half Track will take the stage and play until whenever. The performances coincide with the car show in the park, which will be followed by a cruise night. Continue reading

Knox Park Board Approves Gator Tire Purchase

City of Knox logoThe tires on the John Deere Gator used by the Knox Park Department need to be replaced. The park board recently approved the purchase of a new set of all-terrain tires for $480. Employees use the utility vehicle year-round to transport items between the city’s three parks, maintain the grounds and plow snow. Park board members decided all-terrain tires would be the best, most durable option.

Knox Park Board to Consider Safety Suggestions

City of Knox logoThe Knox Park Board will consider suggestions offered recently to curb vandalism at Wythogan Park when they meet this evening. Mayor Rick Chambers recently hosted a community discussion to gather thoughts on the issue. Afterward he said several good suggestions were offered, including a stronger police presence and writing more curfew tickets to juveniles who are in the park after hours. Continue reading