Knox Redevelopment Pilot Project Aims to Help Revitalize the Downtown Area

A business opportunity is being offered by city officials to help revitalize the downtown area in Knox.

When the City Council met last Thursday, Mayor Dennis Estok shared that the Redevelopment Commission has purchased a building that will be utilized for a proposed pilot program. He said the goal of the program is to provide some incentives to try and induce some business downtown. Continue reading

Busy Agenda Provided for Tonight’s Knox City Council Meeting

Knox City Council members will meet a little bit earlier than usual in order to cover the multiple items listed on tonight’s agenda.

Prior to the start of the meeting, a public hearing over the 5-Year Park Master Plan will be held at 6:45 p.m. Members will also consider a resolution to approve the Master Plan later in the evening.

The meeting will officially commence at 7 p.m. and another public hearing will be held over the petition submitted by J.W. Hicks for annexation into the City of Knox. Continue reading