Knox School Board Members Aggravated by Inconsistent School Colors

Confusion over school colors has led to frustration for some Knox School Board members. During Monday’s meeting, member Wendy McIntire called for the board to make a definitive decision, saying the situation is currently a free-for-all. “I’m a little aggravated when you can’t even tell that that’s our team on a lot of it,” she said. Continue reading

Knox School Board Approves Pay Raises for Administrators, Classified Staff

Several Knox school administrators will be getting a raise, following action by the school board Monday. “The board approved raises for administrators from anywhere between zero up to $2,000,” says Superintendent Dr. William Reichhart,” depending upon the administrator and the evaluation that was done on that particular administrator.”

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Knox High School Culinary Crew Provides Samples at Knox School Board Meeting

Knox School Board meetings feature a ‘spotlight on success’ in which students or various school programs are highlighted. Superintendent Dr. William Reicchart said that last week, board members and patrons received a savory surprise of several culinary treats to sample.

The culinary arts teacher Jill McNeil was at the meeting with six of her students to talk about the vocational culinary class offered at Knox High School. McNeil reported that the class contains students from different parts of Starke County. Currently ten students from Knox but there is also a student from North Judson-San Pierre and another Oregon-Davis. Though the majority of students are juniors and seniors, they accepted a few sophomores this year.

Dr. Reichhart said that the students have dubbed themselves the ‘Culinary Crew’ and the class provides post-secondary opportunities. McNeil explained that her class is a part of the vocational cooperative and upon completion the students will receive ServSafe certifications and dual credits through Ivy Tech. Continue reading

Knox Community School Corporation’s 2018 Budget is Ready for Adoption

The Knox Community School Board held a public hearing over the school corporation’s 2018 Budget when they met Tuesday night. Corporation Treasurer Sherry Fort provided the board members and the public with a synopsis of the proposed budget for next year.

The general fund is estimated at $12,760,379. The capital projects fund has approximately $1.9 million budgeted and the bus replacement plan is estimated to be $325,000. The total budget estimate is set at $20,662,696. Continue reading

Knox Community Schools Partner With Cheryl Lyn Welter Family Charitable Foundation

Harold Welter approached the Knox School Board Tuesday night to discuss how the charitable foundation that was created in memory of his daughter could be a helpful resource to the school corporation. The Cheryl Lyn Welter Family Charitable Foundation was formed in order to assist underprivileged students in grades K-12 with expenses that are beyond what their families are able to afford.

Knox School Board members permitted the principals at each of the buildings to work with the Cheryl Lyn Foundation to process grants that would be provided to disadvantaged students at the elementary, middle and high schools.

Knox was just the first school board that Welter approached. He made plans to speak to the Eastern Pulaski School board in November and is meeting with the superintendent at North Judson-San Pierre later this week to arrange to be put on the agenda for their next board meeting. Continue reading