Residents Urged to Take Steps to Keep Pipes from Freezing


The combination of temperatures below freezing and sub-zero wind chills means an increased likelihood of frozen pipes unless precautions are taken. These include leaving cabinet doors under kitchen and bathroom sinks open so warm air can circulate around pipes and insulating them with foam rubber or fiberglass insulation sleeves or wrapping. Both can be purchased at a hardware store, or a plumber can do it for you. Cracks in outside walls or foundations should also be caulked to keep cold air away from pipes. Also skirting around mobile homes that is missing or has fallen off should be replaced to keep cold air from circulating under the dwelling. Continue reading

Knox Mayor Names New Water Superintendent

Knox Mayor Rick Chambers has announced the employment of a new Water Superintendent for the city. Todd Gardner has been chosen and he has been the maintenance man for the LaVille School for the past five years and before that he was employed in the Maintenance Department at Ancilla College. He replaces Gordon Burger who has retired from the position. He has all of the proper licenses.

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