Knox Police Seeking Public’s Help in Identifying Child Pornography Victims

Robert Wisilinski
Robert Wisilinski

Additional charges could be filed against a Knox man accused of molesting a young boy at his Heaton Street home. Robert M. Wisilinski, 67, is charged with child molesting as a level 1 felony, child solicitation as a level 5 felony and child pornography as a level 6 felony. Detective Dave Combs with the Knox Police Department says officers traced a young boy reported missing on over the weekend to Wisilinski’s home Sunday evening. Continue reading

Knox Man Arrested after Alleged Domestic, Intimidation Incident

Giselbach Booking ohoto
Benny Giselbach

A Knox man is in the Starke County Jail after allegedly threatening harm to himself, his wife, and law enforcement.

The 911 Dispatch Center received an open 911 call from a woman Wednesday afternoon stating that her husband had a loaded weapon and made threats toward her and himself. He also threatened to harm law enforcement officers if they arrived at the home.

Dispatchers were able to use GPS from the 911 call to determine the caller’s location according to a press release. At one point, the call was disconnected, but the dispatchers utilized the TEXT 911 service to gather more information to relay to responding Starke County Sheriff’s Department officers.  Continue reading

Knox Water Superintendent Outlines Proposed Water Line Improvements


The City of Knox is looking to get a grant to fix water lines in areas of Knox that don’t get enough pressure.

Water Superintendent Todd Gardner told the Board of Public Works members that the project would include replacing outdated galvanized lines that go under homes. The project should also repair pressure issues to fire hydrants.

“We’ll add a section of line that actually goes down and around brown circle on Delamatyr and ties back in on Fisher and Adam. It would make a loop and add two fire hydrants down there where we don’t have any fire protection now. The other would be to extend down Mound to Myrtle Court and then back to Washington Street down to Allen Drive. We’re looking to cut across and tie in at the end of Lake Street,” explained Gardner.

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Knox Street Department Ready for Next Winter Storm

 The salt shed is full, and the Knox City Street Department is ready for the next snow event.

Street Superintendent Jeff Borg told the Board of Public Works members on Wednesday that they had used 80 percent of their contract for salt. Since January, 32 inches of movable snow has been recorded by the street superintendent. He said the department should be good for the rest of the season, and all equipment has been maintained and updated.

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Railroad Crossing Complaints Discussed by Knox City Council


Knox Mayor Rick Chambers has been getting several complaints from motorists about the U.S 35 railroad crossing in the city.

A resident recently came into City Hall with an estimate to replace a hubcap lost as a result of the rough crossing. Mayor Chambers told the resident that the City does not maintain that crossing. The railroad crossing is under the jurisdiction of Norfolk Southern and the Indiana Department of Transportation. Those experiencing damage need to contact those two entities to submit a claim or report a complaint.

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Knox Public Hearing Held for Proposed Grant Application for Water Line Upgrades


The Knox City Council held a public hearing Monday night to gather opinions on a proposed grant application for a water line project this summer.

K-IPRC Executive Director Edwin Buswell said the City of Knox will be applying for an Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) grant in the amount of $350,000 for the project. The local match will be 20 percent or $70,000.

Mayor Rick Chambers explained that Water Superintendent Todd Gardner and the engineers are looking to improve water flow in areas of the city.

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Dumpster Ordinance Reaches Final Hurdle

Knox City Council
Knox City Council

The Knox City Council members held further discussion on the proposed dumpster ordinance.

Councilman Don Kring commented that he would like to see the ordinance without the residential provision in it. The ordinance restricts a dumpster in areas zoned R-1. A dumpster could be allowed in an R-1 zone if a building permit is acquired. A dumpster is allowed in any 10-day period out of a month one time a year for cleaning projects or a roofing project. A dumpster may also be included in R-1 if a variance is granted by the Board of Public Works. Otherwise, a dumpster is not allowed.

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New Medical Practice Looks to Expand Access to Healthcare, Locally


A new medical practice is opening its doors in the area and one physician is looking to use the opportunity to help improve access to healthcare.

For about 10 years, Dr. Amed Alhamwi has been developing his skills in internal medicine in New York, Illinois, and a few other areas. His practice is now operating in Knox with a focus on patients ages 18 and older.
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City-Wide Yard Sale Dates Announced


The city-wide yard sale in Knox will be four days this year.

The event, sponsored by the Knox Moose Family Center, will be Thursday, May 14 through Sunday, May 17 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT daily. The permit fee will be waived during this time. The only signs allowed to be posted advertising yard sales may be purchased at Knox City Hall for a small fee.

Those who live outside the two-mile jurisdiction may participate. Space for those residents will be available at the Moose’s parking lot in downtown Knox.

Breakfast and lunch will be offered at the facility. A map of the yard sales will be available at the Knox Moose Family Center beginning at 7 a.m. CT each day of the sale. To reserve your spot on the free map or for more information, call Danna at 772-2098.

Dumpster Ordinance on Tonight’s Knox City Council Agenda

Knox City Council
Knox City Council

The Knox City Council members will be meeting tonight rather than their regular meeting night that occurs on the second and fourth Tuesdays.

The council will attempt to pass the third and final reading of the dumpster ordinance. There was a lengthy discussion about the proposed ordinance at the last meeting where the revised document included the requirement to have a building permit to place a dumpster on a property zoned R-1. A dumpster is allowed in any 10-day period out of a month one time a year for cleaning projects or a roofing project, or appear before the Board of Public Works for a variance.

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Knox Man Sentenced to Prison for Burglary

 A Knox man who pleaded guilty to burglary in connection with a break-in at a friend’s home last January was sentenced to 10 years in prison for that offense with none of that sentence suspended. Glenn Manns, 29, was also ordered to pay $250 in restitution to Arthur Norem, Jr. Court documents indicate Manns and James Royce stole copper, automobile parts, shotguns, a rifle, bows, knives and other items from Norem’s home. Royce has already been sentenced to 20 years in the Department of Corrections. Continue reading

Congresswoman Promotes Tax Deduction Incentive to Combat Food Insecurity

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski was in Mishawaka yesterday to promote a tax deduction sought for permanent extension.

According to a press release, the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation that encourages donations. The bill, also known as the Fighting Hunger Incentive Act permanently extends the deduction for businesses to donate food inventory to local food pantries.
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Area RadioShack Locations Untouched by Bankruptcy Filing


Two retail electronics locations in the immediate area will not be closed despite hundreds of locations shutting their doors around the country.

The company announced February 5th they filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protections with the help of chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyers in Oklahoma City. Right now, an asset purchase agreement has been signed with General Wireless to acquire up to 2,400 company-owned stores.
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