Starke County Schools Considering Balanced Calendar

CalendarThe Knox and Oregon-Davis School Boards could vote tonight to adopt a balanced school calendar for the 2015-2016 school year, and the North Judson-San Pierre School Board will consider one when they meet tomorrow. A balanced calendar still features the state-mandated 180 classroom days. The school year starts earlier in August and includes longer breaks in the fall and spring. They can be used for either remediation for students who are struggling or enrichment for higher-achieving pupils. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Students Celebrate Veterans Day

North Judson-San Pierre Middle School students put on a community Veterans Day program Tuesday afternoon in the high school auditorium.

Veterans packed the North Judson-San Pierre High School auditorium Tuesday for a program put on by middle school students.
Veterans packed the North Judson-San Pierre High School auditorium Tuesday for a program put on by middle school students.
Veterans Day 2
North Judson-San Pierre Middle School student 8th grade student Kylie Fritz stood in for her father, who was unable to attend the school’s Veterans Day program.

Vocational Program’s Fate Hinges on Balanced Calendar Adoption


At least one of the popular trade programs offered through the North Central Vocational Educational Cooperative could be in jeopardy as participating corporations weigh the pros and cons of a balanced school calendar. Kyle Elliott is instructor for the building trades program based at Culver Community High School. He says students from Knox and North Judson-San Pierre are also enrolled in the program. If the three schools are on different schedules, Elliott says it will put kids and parents in a really tough situation. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Celebrates Improved Test Scores

Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin
Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert
Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin

The effort teachers at North Judson-San Pierre schools have put into preparing students to take ISTEP tests is paying off. Superintendent Lynn Johnson says test scores from 2009 to 2014 reflect steady gains. Math scores have gone from 62-percent proficiency in 2009 to 81 percent in 2014 for grades 3 through 8. During that same time period English/Language Arts scores have improved from 66 to 77 percent. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Board Approves Updated Test Security Protocol

Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin
Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert
Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin

The standardized tests given to North Judson-San Pierre students are locked in a room that cannot be accessed by anyone else during the school day. That is one of the 17 state-mandated safety protocols the corporation is required to follow to ensure the integrity of the tests they administer. The school board this week approved an amended test security policy. Continue reading

North Judson School Photos Find New Home

North Judson Water TowerThe class composite and group photos of North Judson and North Judson-San Pierre High School graduates will soon have a new home. They were recently displaced from Grand Central Station in downtown North Judson after a church took over that space. North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Lynn Johnson told the school board this week those photos will be on display at the new North Judson Town Hall when it opens later this year. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Schools Brace for More Budget Cuts

Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin
Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert
Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin

North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation officials are bracing for more budget cuts. Superintendent Lynn Johnson says enrollment is down 40 students from last year.

“We have made a lot of cuts already, but obviously we need to make more and look at future plans,” Johnson told the school board Tuesday night. “One of the major expenditures we have is special education, which keeps growing and growing and growing. I would say we probably spend $1 million a year on special education.” Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Board Questions Balanced Calendar Alignment

Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin
Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert
Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin

North Judson-San Pierre School Board members raised a question about the balanced calendar during their meeting last night. The proposed calendar moves the start of school to the first of August, adds longer breaks in the fall and spring that can be used for remediation if necessary and ends the school year the first of June. The first semester would still end in December before the two week Christmas break as it presently does.

Board members wondered what the earlier start to the school year would do to high school students who work for Pioneer detassling corn during their summer vacations. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Agenda Includes Balanced Calendar Discussion

Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin
Michael Shireman, Jim Menis, Larry Lambert
Marsha Reimbold and Patricia Goin

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board will consider adoption of a balanced calendar for the 2015-2016 school year when they meet this evening. They are one of several area corporations considering the approach. School would start earlier in August and get out the first of June. Continue reading

Walorski Visits American Oak Preserving Company on Home Grown Business Tour

American Oak President and Chairman of the Board Charles Vorm and U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski
American Oak President and Chairman of the Board Charles Vorm and U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski

U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski’s “Home Grown Business Tour” brought her to American Oak Preserving Company in North Judson yesterday. President and Chairman of the Board Charles Vorm represents the third generation to run the company since his grandfather founded it in 1916. His three daughters assist in the day-to-day operations of the business. Walorski says it’s important for members of Congress to listen to successful business owners in their districts. Continue reading

Walorski Visiting Homegrown Businesses Today

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski

U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski’s “Made in Indiana” tour includes stops in Marshall, Pulaski and Starke Counties today. She’s visiting businesses throughout Indiana’s second congressional district to highlight their hard work and contributions to the state’s economy. Walorski will visit Hoosier Racing Tire in Lakeville and tour ITAMCO in Argos this morning before heading to Rose Acre Farms in Francesville and American Oak Preserving Company in North Judson.

Starke County Voters Invited to Nonpartisan Candidate Forums


Starke County voters can learn where candidates for local office stand on issues during a series of weekend forums. Larry and Deb Wappel are sponsoring the events in Knox, North Judson and Hamlet. She says the candidates will be asked tough questions about things like their leadership philosophy, what sets them apart from others running for the same office and how they will pay for any sort of new program or service they are proposing. The candidates were given the prepared questions in advance. Audience members will also have a chance to submit written questions for the candidates. A bipartisan panel will screen them and make sure they are respectful. Continue reading

Commissioners Prepare Packets for Park Board Members


The five members of the Starke County Park Board will have plenty of reading material prior to their first meeting. The Starke County Commissioners are sending them welcome packets, which will include copies of the state statute under which the board was formed and the state law pertaining to camping on public properties. One of their first challenges will be to decide whether to allow year-round camping at Bass Lake Beach and Campground. The park board members will also get a copy of the management lease between the county and Richard Callahan. The board is charged with oversight and management of the Starke County Forest and other county-owned public lands.

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