The completion of a Culver workforce housing development was celebrated by state and local officials Saturday. Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch and developer Kevin Berger cut the ribbon on The Paddocks. The 48-unit income-based housing development was part of Culver’s Stellar Community plans.
Continue readingMarshall County Commissioners Entertain Request for Right-of-Way Access for Culver Trail Project
Culver Town Manager Ginny Munroe asked the Marshall County Commissioners Monday morning for right-of way access for the third phase of the Lake Max Trail.
Continue readingCulver Officials Break Ground on Housing Project
Culver town officials, county representatives, Housing Developer Kevin Berger, and other dignitaries helped break ground on the Sand Hill Farm workforce housing development in Culver Wednesday afternoon.
The housing development includes 24 apartments that will feature affordable one, two and three bedroom units at 540 W. Jefferson Street with hopes of the project complete in 2018. Elkay, one of Culver’s largest employers, will provide the cabinetry for the units in an extensive project partnership. Continue reading