NIPSCO Enters Construction Phase on Reynolds-Topeka Line

nipsco-logoConstruction on the Reynolds-Topeka Transmission Line is getting underway and NIPSCO says they continue to expect operations to begin in 2018.

The project is a multi-county, multi-million dollar project designed to increase the effectiveness of utilities providers in Northern Indiana. NIPSCO isn’t alone, however, in their efforts. Similar projects are going on across the country in an attempt to meet federal renewable energy standards.

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Starke County Officials Struggle With Jail Budget

Starke County Justice CenterStarke County officials are looking at short and long-term ways to shore up operating expenses at the new jail. It has been open for about a year, and budgeted operating costs were based on an actuarial study done for the county. Information shared during last night’s joint meeting of the council and commissioners indicates those recommendations may have been based on flawed information. Continue reading