N.J.-S.P. School Board Agrees to Let Extra Elementary Project Money Be Used for Bus Garage

The North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation will be able to tackle some extra work, after bids for the elementary school project came in significantly lower than expected. The school board recently agreed to let the project bond proceeds be used for the bus garage, as well as a few more items at the elementary school, according to Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin.

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N.J.-S.P. School Board to Take Comments on Use of Bond Proceeds for Bus Garage Upgrades

Whether the North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation should use excess bond proceeds from its elementary project to upgrade the bus garage will be the topic of a public hearing during tonight’s school board meeting. A bus garage replacement project was put on hold earlier this year, after bids came in higher than expected.

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N.J.-S.P. School Board to Get Update on Elementary School Project, COVID-19 Tonight

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board will get an update on COVID-19, as well as the elementary school expansion and renovation project tonight. Preliminary plans call for the construction of a new gym, allowing the existing one to be repurposed, as part of a larger $10 million project. But architecture firm Fanning Howey is expected to present more detailed drawings and cost estimates tonight, according to Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin.

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N.J.-S.P. School Board Approves Capital Projects, Bus Replacement, Crisis Plans

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board finalized a number of annual plans last month. Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin said the corporation’s crisis plan is similar those used by other schools. “It does have resources available in it, roles, responsibility, who’s responsible for different situations, and recommended protocols,” she explained.

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