The North Judson Town Board Monday night heard from some concerned citizens regarding a zoning variance request from a town resident who is seeking to run an internet gun sale service from his home. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained that resident Jason LaMantia Sr. is seeking a variance from single-family residential zoning to a commercial zoning in order to allow him to run the business, but Henry said a number of citizens attended the meeting to gather more information on the request.
North Judson Town Board Reviews Schedule of Fees
The North Judson Town Board last week reviewed the town’s schedule of fee ordinance and made a few small revisions. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry said the board will likely hold the first reading of the ordinance at their meeting on May 6.
North Judson Town Board Discusses Yard Sale Ordinance
The North Judson Town Board this week reviewed an ordinance regulating yard sales, and Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry said the new ordinance is basically a combination of the old ordinance with the one currently in the codification book. She said the board took the ordinance for review and they hope to have it up to date within the next month at the most.
North Judson Changes Due Dates for Town Service Bills
The North Judson Town board recently approved a change in the monthly due date for the bills for water, waste, sanitation, hydrant, and trash services. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained that beginning in July, these monthly bills will be due on the 12th day of each month.
The current due date is the 15th day of each month, and Henry explained that the change in the due date is to allow the town to adjust the scheduling dates involved in the monthly billing cycle.
The board also approved the purchase of a steel walkway over the oxidation ditch, allowing town employees to safely walk around or over the ditch rather than walk along it. Henry said the board received information on the matter from Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann, and approved the purchase order to Kankakee Valley Steel for $12,870.
North Judson Fee Schedule to Be Revised
The North Judson Town Board is currently reviewing the town’s schedule of fees ordinance in anticipation of revising the list. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained that there are a number of fees currently in place that need to be included on the schedule as well as some other fees that need to be reviewed and possibly revised.
North Judson Highland Cemetery Rules and Regulations Signs Installed
The North Judson Highland Cemetery now has two new aluminum signs in replacement of the older wooden sign that Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry said had become dilapidated and disintegrated over the years. The town board had previously signed off on a quote of $860 for two new signs, one of which was posted at the main entrance while the smaller sign has been posted at the secondary entrance on the east side.
North Judson to Soon Repair U.S. 30 Railroad Crossing Near Hanna
The town of North Judson received help from state representatives Douglas Gutwein and Tom Dermody, as well as Senator Ed Charbonneau and INDOT Representative Robert Alderman with the goal of obtaining funds to proceed with the repairs to the railroad crossing on U.S. 30 near Hanna. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry said the town has been working on getting the project under way since last summer.
North Judson Town Board Approves Quote for Highland Cemetery Signs
Highland Cemetery in North Judson will soon be sporting some new signs, as the town board this week signed off on a quote of $860 for two new signs, one of which will be posted at the main entrance while a smaller sign will be posted at the secondary entrance. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained the larger sign will highlight the recently amended cemetery rules and regulations; the smaller sign, she said, will direct visitors to the main entrance sign.
North Judson Reimbursed Part of Allegedly Embezzled Funds
The town of North Judson recently received a check from their insurance company for the alleged embezzlement of cemetery lot sales, utility receipts, and other deposits and payments from the town by former clerk-treasurer Connie Miller. Current Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained that the insurance company issued a check in the amount of $51,791.13, and Henry said that she has since sent a detailed list to the State Board of Accounts of which departments will be credited with portions of that money, and, following their approval, issued those credits to the department.
North Judson Town Board Awards Cemetery Mowing Bid
The North Judson Town Board last week reviewed two bids received for the mowing of the cemetery before accepting a bid for $900 per mowing. Council President Wendy Hoppe explained that Altman Lawn Care presented the bid, and included proof of liability insurance, while Lawrence Lawn and Landscape offered a bid of $850 per mowing – a lower price, but the bid packet did not include proof of insurance.
North Judson Town Board Tentatively Approves Purchase of Cemetery Signs
The cemetery in North Judson will soon be sporting a new rules and regulations sign, as the North Judson Town Board this week approved a purchase order for a quote receive on the purchase of two signs. Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann presented the purchase orders from Gary Clark on the cost of two signs, which came to $1200 and includes two 4-foot-by-8-foot aluminum signs for the main entrance and a 4-foot-by-4-foot aluminum sign for the secondary entrance.
North Judson Town Board Soon to Place New Rules Sign at Cemetery
The rules and regulations that have been in place at the cemetery in North Judson will now be enforced – this after the town board this week reviewed the draft of the rules that will be typed up on a sign and posted at the main entrance. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained that the sign will detail each rule, regulation, and requirement, ensuring that everyone who enters the cemetery knows the town’s policies.
North Judson Town Board Seeking Cemetery Mowing Bids
The North Judson Town Board last week received an update on the bids for town cemetery mowing services, and Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained the board approved a motion to advertise for bids in local papers with a deadline of Feb. 18.
Henry said the bids must be sealed and submitted as per the specs in the advertisement. The board will review bids at their meeting on Feb. 18, but she said the board may not award the bid that night; rather, the board may want to review the contracts further before making a decision.
North Judson Town Board Adopts Cemetery, Animal Ordinances
The North Judson Town Board this week adopted two ordinances that have been on their agenda for several months. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained the town performed the third and final readings of their new cemetery rules and regulations ordinance, as well as the animal ordinance regulating domestic animals within the town.
“A Year of Health in Starke County” Proclamation Signed by North Judson Town Board
The North Judson Town Board recently signed a proclamation declaring 2013 “A Year of Health in Starke County.”
Nancy Dembowski, Joan Haugh and Ted Hayes, who are part of the Moving Starke County Forward organization, brought the proclamation to the attention of the board members and emphasized the need for Starke County to improve the health of its citizens.
The committee members informed the board that the organization was formed after learning that Starke County ranked 91st out of 92 counties in issues affecting health. Health issues permeate throughout quality of life issues such as economic development, education, levels of drug use and many other socio-economic factors.
The Town Board voted unanimously to declare the proclamation and offer support for the group. The board was invited to a forum on Thursday, Feb. 21 at the Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center in Knox from 4:30-6 p.m. CT. The committee is looking for input on goals and suggestions to help Starke County be a healthier county.
North Judson Town Board Approves Two Ordinances on First, Second Readings
Two ordinances in the town of North Judson underwent their first and second readings by the town board this week and are slated for their third and final readings at the board meeting on Feb. 4. North Judson Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained the cemetery rules and regulations ordinance and the animal ordinance were approved on their first readings.
North Judson Residents Encouraged to Run Water Taps During Cold Temperatures
With the bitter cold temperatures in the Kankakee Valley, North Judson residents are strongly encouraged to leave their water taps running just a little bit. North Judson Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained that Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann told the board at their meeting this week that because of the very cold temperatures and the lack of snow on the ground, the pipes are particularly vulnerable to freezing.
North Judson Town Board Once Again Reads Cemetery, Animal Ordinances
Two ordinances are still in the works for the town of North Judson, but according to Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry, those ordinances will likely be in place within the next month or two. One ordinance pertains to changes to the cemetery rules and regulations while the second regulates domestic and farm animals within the town.
North Judson Town Board Swears In Two New Members
The North Judson Town Board swore in their two new members, Josh Brown and Justin Davis, who are now filling the seats created during the general election. A public question presented to voters in North Judson on Nov. 6 asked whether or not the town board should be expanded to five members, and the overwhelming majority gave it their approval. Now, the two youngest board members are taking their seats on the newly-expanded board.
New North Judson Town Board Members Soon To Be Sworn In
The two new members to the North Judson Town Board will soon take their seats, as Judge Charles Hasnerl swears them in before the board’s regular meeting on Jan. 7. Josh Brown and Justin Davis will then assume their new responsibilities as the youngest members on the board.
The public question presented to voters in North Judson during the general election on Nov. 6, 2012 was approved by more than 78 percent. Only 129 voters said no to the question of whether or not the town board should be increased to five members, while 480 voters voted in favor of the change.
She said the board members used a scientific grid format to rate each candidate before deciding on these two well-qualified men, and said the council is excited to work with them. Henry said she’s excited to know that there are younger taxpayers and community members who are willing to serve and bring a fresh perspective to things.