Enter the “Light Up North Judson” Outdoor Holiday Decorating Contest for a Chance to Win a Cash Prize!

North Judson officials are encouraging residents to show their holiday spirit and light-up the town by hosting a residential outdoor decorating contest.

Prize money will be awarded to the two best-decorated homes located within the incorporated town limits. There is no fee to enter the contest but pre-registration is required. Forms must be turned in at Town Hall, located at 310 Lane Street, no later than Friday, December 7th. Continue reading

North Judson Town Council Votes to Pursue Grant Opportunity Through Highway Safety Improvement Program

North Judson Town Council members received a presentation Monday night about grant funds that would be available to upgrade town signs to new standards.

Officer Manager Mitch Hansel from Fleis and Vandenbrink Engineering informed the council members about funds that would be available to the town in 2024 through a highway safety improvement program.

He said that the federal government is offering a matching grant that would provide money to upgrade town signs to retro-reflectivity requirements. Continue reading

North Judson Town Council Approves Water Rate Adjustment

Residents in the Town of North Judson will see an increase on their next water bill. When the Town Council met Monday evening, Umbaugh representative Ross Hagan provided members and meeting attendees with the finalized figures for a water rate adjustment.

He stated that an 18.3 percent increase is required to help cover the cost of a required waterworks project. Hagan noted, “Currently your residents are paying for $26.05 for a 4,000-gallon bill, that’s going to be $30.70 now on an average monthly bill.”

Some of the major elements of the project, such as the rehabilitation of the water towers and the installation of a backup generator at the water plant, will bring the town into compliance with mandated standards from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). In other words, these are not cosmetic fixes but necessary upgrades that are required by the state. Continue reading

North Judson Town Council Meets Tonight

North Judson Town Council members are expected to consider an ordinance amending the waterworks schedule of rates and charges when they meet tonight.

Back in October, Umbaugh representative Eric Walsh came before the council proposing a 15 percent rate increase to water utility bills in order to help fund the town’s water project which is being funded through a combination of grant funding as well as an SRF Loan. Continue reading

North Judson Officials to Look at Alternative Splash Pad Providers to Compare Prices

Now that North Judson officials have received a few different splash pad designs from Vortex Aquatic Structures, they’ll be looking into some different companies to ensure they’re making the most financially feasible decision.

When Town Council members met last Monday, Councilman James Young said he’ll be bringing the two new renderings from Vortex to the next meeting. He also encouraged his fellow council members to check into some alternative splash pad providers. Continue reading

North Judson Town Attorney Recommends Appointing a Separate Safety Board

North Judson Town Attorney Justin Schramm encouraged town council members to appoint a safety board when they met Monday night. Currently, North Judson Town council members also serve as members of the safety board.

The attorney referenced an Indiana code that regulates the discipline and removal of firefighters and police officers which gives individuals the right to a hearing where they can appeal to the safety board if they face a suspension exceeding 5 days.

Schramm said that can lead to a bit of an issue when safety board consists of the same people who serve as town officials.

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North Judson Town Council Brainstorms Ways to Recognize the NJ-SP Lady Jays Volleyball Team

Photo Source: WKVI Sportscaster Nathan Welter

The North Judson-San Pierre Lady Jay Volleyball team received a tremendous amount of community support over the weekend after winning the Indiana High School Athletic Association’s State Volleyball Championship on Saturday.

When town council members met Monday night, they deliberated about some ways they can recognize these talented student-athletes for this historic accomplishment. Continue reading

North Judson Town Council Considers Request from Habitat for Humanity

A Habitat for Humanity Representative submitted a request to the North Judson Town Council Monday night.

Ernie Smith spoke on behalf of the organization and said that volunteers are going to install a wheelchair ramp at a residence near the Girl Scout Cabin on Talmer Avenue. He asked the council if they’d be willing to waive the $50 permit fee to do the work. Continue reading

NJ Town Council Amends Water Revenue Bond Ordinance to Reflect SRF Public Pool Interest Rate

North Judson Town Council members were required to make an amendment to the Town’s 2018 water revenue bonds ordinance when they met Monday night.

As previously reported, the Town is funding their drinking water project with money from a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan. When members initially passed the water revenue bond ordinance, they included the anticipated interest rate which was 3.25 percent. Continue reading

North Judson Officials Review Options for Employee Health Insurance

North Judson Town Council members reviewed some options for employee health insurance when they met last Monday.

The Town’s insurance broker John Howard from the Wealth Care Group announced that if officials wish to stick with their current provider, the deductibles would stay at $50 for a single plan and a $100 for a family plan but they won’t receive all of the same benefits.

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Ordinance Proposing Water Rate Increase Introduced at North Judson Town Council Meeting

An ordinance proposing a 15 percent rate adjustment to water utility bills in North Judson was introduced at this week’s town council meeting.

Eric Walsh from Umbaugh and Associates informed council members and meeting attendees that the bump would result in a customer who uses an average of 4,000 gallons per billing cycle seeing an additional charge of approximately $4.00 while residents who utilize a minimal amount of water each month would pay about $3.40 more. Continue reading

North Judson Town Council Meets Tonight

North Judson Town Council members will revisit the Norwayne Field Splash Pad Project when they meet tonight. Members are scheduled to receive some new renderings from Vortex Aquatic Structures representative Bill Smith.

The council is also anticipated to introduce and set a public hearing date for an ordinance related to amending the schedule of rates and charges for properties served by the waterworks of the Town. Continue reading

USDA Financial Assistance Available to Rural Homeowners Highlighted by NJ Town Superintendent

Through the USDA’s Rural Housing and Repair Loans and Grants program, assistance can be provided to very low-income homeowners to help repair, improve and modernize homes or remove health and safety hazards from rural dwellings. Residents also have the option of obtaining a loan through hard money lenders.

North Judson Utility Superintendent Marshall Horstmann highlighted this opportunity at Monday’s town council meeting and provided members with some additional information about the terms. Continue reading

SCEDF Executive Director Informs NJ Town Council Members of Upcoming Asset Mapping Workshop

When North Judson Town Council members met on Monday, Starke County Economic Development Foundation Executive Director Larry Wickert alerted them about an upcoming asset mapping workshop that they’re invited to attend.

This opportunity was first discussed during a meeting at the SCEDF office in August where local officials spoke with representatives from OCRA about the Regional Stellar Communities Initiative. Continue reading