Starke United Partners with the Northern Indiana Community Foundation

Starke United

Starke United this week announced a new partnership with the Northern Indiana Community Foundation in conjunction with the creation of the Starke United Fund.

Starke United Board President Todd Zeltwanger said they’re pleased with this exciting venture, and says they’ll work with the Community Foundation to ensure their organization becomes not only stronger, but more cost-effective as well. He said the partnership will benefit both the organizations that receive funding from Starke United and the donors who faithfully support the organization.

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Starke County Legacy of Women to Offer Grants

The Starke County Legacy of Women organization is offering grants to women in the community to attend a leadership event or conference.

“This is our second year that the Legacy of Women is providing grants for women in our county to hopefully have them go either for conferences or plan a retreat,” stated member Sheri Bartoli. “We’re asking them then to bring the ideas back to the community.”

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Starke County Community Foundation Scholarships Available

The Starke County Community Foundation is announcing three new scholarship opportunities for high school seniors. Added this year are the Altman Family Scholarship for students at North Judson-San Pierre High School, the James and Carris Lucas Scholarship for Knox High School students, and the Physicians Hospital System Visionary Scholarship which will provide one scholarship for a Starke County student and also one for a Marshall County student.

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Starke County Legacy of Women Working on Education Funding for Women

The members of the Legacy of Women Organization in Starke County are working on a project to help fund the education of a woman, or women, in the county. The scholarships would be awarded to an individual, or more than one, who have expressed interest the reason for continuing their education to better their life through an essay.

Legacy of Women spokeswoman, Sherri Bartoli, said this week that the applications have been received and scored. The applications are now in the hands of the Northern Indiana Community Foundation who will tabulate the scores before announcing the recipient, or recipients.

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