Pulaski County Commissioners to Vote on Solar Ordinance Updates Today

Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker

Updates to Pulaski County’s solar farm regulations are up for the county commissioners’ final approval this morning. One of the biggest changes is that commercial solar farms would only be allowed in agricultural zones after a hearing before the board of zoning appeals or in planned unit developments. The proposed updates to the county’s Unified Development Ordinance got a favorable recommendation from the advisory plan commission last month.

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Pulaski County Council Suggests Ways to Streamline Building Department Operations

Pulaski County Council: back row: Mike Tiede, Kathi Thompson, Brian Young; front row: Scott Hinkle, Rudy DeSabatine, Jay Sullivan (not pictured: Ken Boswell)

As the Pulaski County building inspector continues asking for a full-time deputy, some county council members are wondering if there are ways the building department could streamline its operations. The topic came up when Building Inspector Doug Hoover asked to have part-time assistant Karla Kreamer moved to full-time status earlier this month. “If you look at it, man, we have increased a lot, and we’re really working hard,” Hoover said. “And we could do a lot more. I don’t know what to tell you guys.”

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Pulaski County Officials Make Appointments, Call for Updated List of Board, Commission Members

The Pulaski County Council and Commissioners made appointments to some boards and commissions last week, but no one seemed to be entirely sure who’s currently on many of them. During last Monday’s joint session, the commissioners appointed Ray Franko to the advisory plan commission. He replaces Doug McKinley as one of the board’s Republican members. The commissioners had already appointed Democrat Bob Keller to replace Jim Thompson back in December.

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Pulaski County Council, Commissioners to Make BZA, Plan Commission, KIRPC Appointments

The Pulaski County Council and Commissioners are expected to make appointments to various boards and commissions tonight. Appointments to the board of zoning appeals, advisory plan commission, and Kankakee-Iroquois Regional Planning Commission will be discussed during tonight’s joint council and commissioners meeting.

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Pulaski County Courthouse Elevator Tentatively Scheduled to Be Ready for Monday, Despite Delays

Pulaski County officials are hopeful that the courthouse’s new elevator will be ready in time for Monday’s county commissioners meeting, in spite of a last-minute hiccup. Maintenance Director Jeff Johnston says a fire alarm issue means the elevator probably won’t be in service by tomorrow, as previously announced. But the contractor says it should still be ready for Monday, according to Johnston. He adds that crews are working diligently to get it done.

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Pulaski County BZA Approves Special Exception for Mobile Home Near Medaryville


A Medaryville man will be able to keep his mobile home on his parents’ property, thanks to a special exception granted by the Pulaski County Board of Zoning Appeals Monday. Building Inspector Doug Hoover explained that Michael Wireman apparently moved the structure onto the property in the 4800 block of North County Road 1150 West without a permit. “They didn’t realize they had to have a permit,” Hoover explained. “They did get their 7878 [form] from the Treasurer’s [Office], and that’s how I found out about this.”

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Pulaski County Plan Commission Votes to Ban Wind Turbines

The Pulaski County Advisory Plan Commission has recommended banning wind turbines. The vote drew a standing ovation from a packed room of local residents and landowners at the Star City Community Building Monday. It came after a public hearing on proposed changes to the county’s Unified Development Ordinance that would have significantly restricted wind turbine development.

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