Budget Adoption, Income Tax Reallocations, Solar Farm ERA on Tonight’s Pulaski Council Agenda

The adoption of the 2022 budget, an income tax restructuring, and a step toward a solar farm tax abatement are just a few of the items on tonight’s Pulaski County Council agenda. Tonight’s budget adoption will be the final step in a lengthy process that saw council members gather for a number of extra meetings.

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Pulaski County Election Board to Pay More for IT Consultant in 2022

The Pulaski County Election Board is budgeting for a big election cycle in 2022. It isn’t a presidential election, but Clerk JoLynn Behny notes that many town and county offices are on the ballot. “The four district [county] council, we’ve got one commissioner, sheriff, prosecutor, assessor, clerk,” she told the rest of the county election board Monday.

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Pulaski Council Allows another Returning Full-Time EMS Employee to Keep Seniority

Another Pulaski County EMS paramedic will be allowed keep her seniority from a previous full-time tenure, but whether that becomes an official part of the county’s policies remains to be seen. EMS Director Brandon DeLorenzo told the county council last week that the paramedic dropped down to part-time for about a month but now wants to go back to full-time.

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Pulaski Council to Discuss Mammoth Solar Tax Abatement Request Tonight

A possible tax abatement for the Mammoth Solar project will continue to be discussed by the Pulaski County Council tonight. A tax break could actually increase the overall amount of money coming into the county. If the developer were to agree to an economic development payment in exchange for lower – or no – taxes, it wouldn’t be subject to the property tax cap. A set of more general tax abatement guidelines will also be discussed tonight.

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