Pulaski County Election Board to Research E-Poll Books


The Pulaski County Election Board now has the full support of the county commissioners and the county council to research the feasibility of implementing e-poll books.

Election board member Laura Bailey requested permission from the county council last week to seek more information about e-poll books for the county’s polling sites. Voters would digitally sign in on an iPad when they arrive at one of the seven polling sites in the county to vote. The e-poll books would replace the printed registration books. A receipt would be issued to the voter and taken to an election official to bring up a ballot.

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Pulaski County Election Board to Research E-Poll Book Purchase


The Pulaski County Election Board will be looking into the feasibility of purchasing e-poll books after meeting with the Pulaski County Commissioners Monday night.

Board member Jon Frain explained that the implementation of e-poll books is the next step in upgrading the election equipment. The county would purchase iPads with election software. Voting officials would be able to scan a voter’s Driver’s License into the computer, and that would create a digital signature page to move the process at a quicker pace.

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