Pulaski County Council to Consider Library Bond, EMS On-Call Pay, Budget Transfers Tonight

Pulaski County Council: back row: Mike Tiede, Kathi Thompson, Brian Young; front row: Scott Hinkle, Rudy DeSabatine, Jay Sullivan (not pictured: Ken Boswell)

The Pulaski County Public Library may be moving ahead with a bond issuance. Library Attorney Justin Schramm is expected to discuss it with the county council tonight. Officials have been working on plans for lead dust and asbestos remediation in nonpublic areas of the Winamac library.

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Pulaski County Council Finalizes Additional Appropriations, Reappoints Library Board Member

Pulaski County Council: back row: Mike Tiede, Kathi Thompson, Brian Young; front row: Scott Hinkle, Rudy DeSabatine, Jay Sullivan (not pictured: Ken Boswell)

The Pulaski County Council finalized more than $70,000 in additional appropriations this week. A large chunk of that was pension and vehicle funding for the Sheriff’s Department, according to Auditor Laura Wheeler.

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