Greenspace Winamac Receives a Few New Members

tr33sDid you know that Winamac has been one of the nation’s ‘Tree City USA’ towns for more than 15 years? It managed to gain that title thanks to the voluntary efforts of the Winamac Tree Committee. The committee itself has been around for approximately 20 years now. For the first time ever, up and coming high school seniors will serve as members of the committee. Continue reading

Partial Flooding Remains a Problem in Winamac Town Park

winamactownparkOn account of the Winamac Town Park’s proximity to the Tippecanoe river and the sporadic storms that have continuously spotted the summer, the Town of Winamac has been dealing with flooding in the back of the park for weeks now. This year the Pulaski County Fair had to implement an adjusted schedule due to flooding issues, the same thing had to happen two years ago as well. Continue reading

Blueberry Business Affected by Abundance of Rainy Weather

 Here in Indiana, we have experienced an exceptionally rainy summer season. The amount of rainfall that Hoosiers received in June broke a previous record that had been held since the 1950s. The abundance of rainfall can potentially have adverse affects on local crops and businesses. The local blueberry patches have been feeling the affect of the rainy weather, and so have their blueberries. Continue reading

Beware of Storm Cleanup Scam Artists


Scam artists may be trying to take advantage of Hoosiers who sustained property damage as a result of recent storms. Indiana Department of Homeland Security spokesman John Erickson warns fly-by-night contractors may show up in hard-hit areas. He says they may offer immediate help, collect a down payment for promised work and disappear. Continue reading

Pulaski Sheriff Looking to Alter Department Wages

Pulaski County CourthouseBudget season is not quite here, but the Pulaski County Sheriff is looking to keep some of his deputies around a bit longer.

During last night’s Pulaski County Council meeting, Sheriff Jeff Richwine explained his solution to what he sees as a longevity problem in the department. By offering incentives for employees who stay onboard with the department, Richwine believes it will raise the quality of their enforcement, but also prevent turnover.
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Culver Union Township Public Library Blood Drive – Book Your Appointment Today

b100dMany things cease during the summer months such as snow and school but there is one thing that never ceases and that is the need for blood donations. According to the American Red Cross every two seconds someone in the U.S needs a transfusion. The Culver Union Township Public Library is doing their part by hosting a blood drive from noon until 5 pm tomorrow. You can do your part by turning up to donate. Continue reading

Eastern Pulaski School Board to Discuss School Renovations, Asbestos Removal


Action to approve a proposal for asbestos removal is on the Eastern Pulaski School Board agenda for their meeting tonight. Another item on the agenda is the elementary school renovation contract which needs board consensus to be approved. Job descriptions for the positions of technology data specialist and director of curriculum and assessment are also set to be discussed. Continue reading

New Purdue Extension Educator Will Work With More than One Local County

Purdue Extension LogoOn the first of July Purdue Extension officially welcomed a new member to their staff. Recent Purdue West Lafayette graduate Mandy Medbourn is the new health and human sciences extension educator for Starke and Pulaski County. Medbourn had the chance to really immerse her self within the communities during her first full week as a Purdue Extension Educator. Continue reading