The Food Finders mobile pantry will be at the Pulaski County Human Services building in Winamac on Friday, Dec. 6 at 11 a.m. ET for a food giveaway day.
Free food will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis for eligible residents. You must meet 185 percent of the federal poverty guidelines to be eligible to receive this service.
The Pulaski County Commissioners heard a regular report from the director of the Recycling and Transfer Station, Ed Clark, who explained the center is once again suffering from equipment problems. Commissioner Larry Brady agreed with Clark, and said one of the tractors the center uses is in disrepair and will need replaced.
The Winter Wonderland event, sponsored by the Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce, is set for Saturday, Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET in downtown Winamac.
But first, join the chamber in ushering in the holiday season in the lighting of the Christmas Tree on the Pulaski County Courthouse lawn on Friday, Dec. 6 at 6 p.m. ET followed by tours of three beautiful homes in Pulaski County. Tickets for the home tour can be purchased at the Pulaski County Chamber office, at Refined or from Winter Wonderland committee members. Tours will be given at Melody Braun’s home as well as at Bailey Hoover’s home and Patrick Shuttrow’s home.
The Pulaski County Commissioners this week received an update on the efforts of the Community Development Commission, as Executive Director Nathan Origer explained they are moving forward with their “Savor Indiana” special and the hiring of a company to redesign the CDC website.
The National Weather Service confirms a tornado struck Pulaski County on Sunday. An EF-1 tornado touched down just south of U.S. 421 and Delaware Street in Medaryville at 3:03 p.m. and lifted 10 minutes later about 2.5 miles northeast of Denham. The funnel cloud’s path width is estimated at 100 yards, with a length of 13 miles. The storm’s maximum wind speed is estimated at 110 miles per hour. The storm was one of at least 15 that hit the Hoosier State on Sunday.
Sunday’s storms, while devastating to some, only caused moderate damage in Pulaski County but left many residents without power for several hours. EMA Director Larry Hoover explained there were some severe effects, particularly by Medaryville, which were caused by two small tornadoes that had developed during the storm.
“We started out with the storm front coming in and we had two small tornadoes spin up out of there. We had some minor property damage; no personal injuries, fortunately. Obviously no deaths. We did have quite a large outage on power; Winamac was out probably until about 8 p.m. Medaryville got their power back about 7:30-ish this morning. Denham now has their power and the crews are working on finish up Ripley. Hopefully they’ll be done by 2 o’ clock this afternoon getting the power back on,” said Hoover.
With winter weather on its way and a hefty storm in our rear-views, now is the perfect time to create a home disaster kit if you haven’t already. To that end, Pulaski County EMA Director Larry Hoover has a number of tips.
The most important tip, Hoover said, is to make sure your family knows where to go in a severe storm. Lay out an emergency plan with a place to meet in case you get separated and designate an emergency contact that is out of the immediate area to call in case of a disaster.
The powerful storms that tore through the area Sunday afternoon left more than 5,000 Kankakee Valley REMC and more than 40,000 NIPSCO customers in the dark. High winds knocked down numerous trees and utility poles, and a tree that was struck by lightning in the Koontz Lake area caught fire. Straight line winds in Pulaski County caused considerable damage there as well. Power to the Pulaski County Justice Center was knocked out at the height of the storm and remained out for more than 5 hours. Sheriff Mike Gayer tells WKVI News that no injuries were reported.
The Pulaski County Council last week approved two transfers requests to help balance books for two departments. Charlene Spence with the Pulaski County Home told the council that she needed to transfer $500 into the petty cash fund from two separate funds due to confusion regarding the purpose of the petty cash account.
The Eastern Pulaski School Board will be obtaining bus bids and Superintendent Dan Foster said the corporation will be doing that process online.
“The Service Center now has a way to do it that’s been approved by the State Board of Accounts,” explained Foster. “Basically, it’s an online way to receive your bus bids. You’re going to receive bids from the same two or three companies that would have normally would have submitted to you anyway. It’s just going to save our folks in the office a little bit of time.”
This takes the place of the old format of listing specifications and sending it to a newspaper and receiving bids within a certain amount of time.
Once bids have been received, the board will approve a recommended bid.
One bridge undergoing some work in Pulaski County will soon be complete, according to Highway Superintendent Mark Fox. Fox approached the county council this week to request a $10,462.68 transfer from the bridge repair fund to the fund specifically for bridge 268, and explained that more partial-depth patch work needed done than had been expected.
The county commissioners awarded a bid for the bridge’s inspection to JCI Bridge Group out of LaPorte, authorizing the company to inspect the bridge and shoreline to ensure there is no runoff or loose dirt that could develop problems. The original bid was in the amount of $176,527.32, and this additional expense was not foreseen.
Fox also informed the council that the decks are now on the bridge and the company is working on expansion joints and guardrails.
The Eastern Pulaski School Board approved a motion to replace the sound system in the middle school gym.
Superintendent Dan Foster stressed that the system has been very useful for the facility but it’s outdated.
“Dave DeLorenzo and the maintenance staff have had a lot of trouble with the sound system and it’s just an old system that needs some updating. We’re going to have that replaced,” explained Foster.
The system will be replaced in the next few months.
Three people were arrested after a stand off with several members of law enforcement in Pulaski County Thursday night.
James Anthony Miller, 48, failed to return to the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department after working at a local business as part of work release. The sheriff’s department was notified of Miller’s whereabouts at a residence north of Medaryville on U.S. 421. Two officers approached the house on foot in the dark and they could clearly see Miller, and two other people wanted on warrants inside the home.
The director of the Pulaski County Recycling Center made an impassioned plea to the county council for additional funds and a transfer of funds in order to keep the center running. Ed Clark told the council that he needed a $2200 transfer into his overtime line item to finish out the year, and on top of that, he was also requesting $40,000 in addition funds in order to “pay the bills.”
The Eastern Pulaski School Board discussed administrator contracts this week.
Superintendent Dan Foster said the change in leadership at the corporation had delayed this process, but the board forged ahead with approving all contracts.
“We did go ahead and extend all of the principal’s contracts and the Athletic Director’s contract for an extra year,” explained Foster. “Their contracts are effective June 30, 2015 now instead of just this next summer.”
A dangerous drug is making a resurgence in the area, as Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer said the county has seen its third death as a direct result of a heroin overdose. Gayer said the third death was less than a week ago; the man was found by a roommate with heroin and paraphernalia nearby.
Gayer explained it’s difficult to combat this new danger in the community, as thus far, it’s staying under the radar.
Potential investors and others with an interest in seeing that a hotel for business travelers is built in Winamac are invited to a luncheon next week to discuss the project and get more information. Wisconsin-based Cobblestone Development wants to build a 44-bed facility, and a recent feasibility study found the community can support a 40-room property. Pulaski County Economic Development Director Nathan P. Origer has scheduled an informational meeting Wednesday, Nov. 20 at noon EST at the Winamac Event Center at the corner of Logan and Adams Streets and encourages anyone whose business might be interested in investing in or financing the project to attend. Origer says his office is very serious about moving forward to see that the structure is built and encourages anyone who wants to attend the informational meeting to RSVP by Friday to (574) 946-3869 or
Cobblestone Development specializes in building budget friendly accommodations for business travelers and others in small communities like Winamac. Developer John F. Seibert says the accommodations would be similar to those offered by a Holiday Inn Express or Hampton Inn. He adds hotels like the one his company is proposing take about five months to build.
Candidate filing for the 2014 election is just two months away. Several members of the community have already announced intentions to seek their party’s vote for a chance to win a seat in local elections.
Starke County Clerk Evelyn Skronski said the first day to file for candidacy is Jan. 8, 2014. Her position is up for election in 2014 as well as prosecutor, auditor, sheriff, coroner, assessor, county commissioner district 2, county council districts 1-4, and Center Township assessor. The at-large and North Bend Township seats on the Culver Community School Board are up for election, as well as the California Township, Washington Township and Center Township Seat 1 on the Knox Community School Board and the District 1-3 seats on the Oregon-Davis School Board.
The Eastern Pulaski School Board heard a presentation from a group of seniors who developed a “bring your own device” policy as a class project for the board to consider for second semester.
Superintendent Dan Foster explained that this policy would allow students to bring in their own iPad, laptop, smart phone or technology device for use during the second semester. The seniors felt that they weren’t being treated fairly.
The West Central School Board recently learned that the boiler system needs repairs fairly quickly as the colder weather sets in.
Superintendent Charles Mellon explained that one boiler needs to be repaired and another needs replaced at the high school.
“It’s a three-phase unit so we are down to one boiler and we need one repaired rather quickly,” stated Mellon. “We don’t want to be caught having no heating system at all. We’re going to move rapidly on that.”
Mellon has discussed the issue with the maintenance director at the school corporation and repairs are ongoing at this time.