Community Provides Input to Senator Donnelly at Ancilla Farm Bill Listening Session

On Friday, Senator Joe Donnelly visited the Ancilla College campus to hold a listening session over the farm bill that is currently being written. Before Donnelly talked with group gathered in Cana Hall about business, he got comfortable by removing his tie and greeting individuals in the crowd.

Ancilla President Kenneth Zirkle began the event by briefly discussing the agriculture program at the college, stating that when they started two and half years ago they only had three individuals involved, now that number is up to nearly 50 agriculture students.

Agriculture director Tim McLochlin introduced the senator, but first he acknowledged all the community members who help make Ancilla’s agriculture program so immersive and impactful.

During the session, various individuals voiced their concerns about the needs of the agriculture community. One individual spoke about how the current farm bill does little to help the dairy industry and suggested that more needs to be done with supply and control management. Many people spoke about the importance of family-run farms and asked Senator Donnelly to build the bill with generational farms in mind. Continue reading

Senator Donnelly to Talk Future Farm Bill at Ancilla Tomorrow

Photo: Lauren Chapman – Indiana Public Media

This Friday, Senator Joe Donnelly will hold a farm bill listening session beginning in Cana Hall on the Ancilla College campus.

Senator Donnelly is a member of the US Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. The current farm bill is scheduled to expire next year so Donnelly is seeking public input about agricultural matters, specifically farm policy issues that are integral to consider when the new farm bill is being written. Continue reading

Starke County Economic Development Foundation Manufacturer’s Day

The theme of this year’s Starke County Economic Development Foundation’s Manufacturer’s Day is “Focus on Your Future”. Students from Oregon-Davis, North Judson-San Pierre, Culver and Knox Community Schools will attend today’s event at Knox Middle School with their sights set on future employment.

More than 350 7th grade students and 200 senior students are anticipated to attend the program which is intended to ensure that students are aware of the available job opportunities within the county and the required skills, training and education needed to obtain a position and keep it.

Representatives from more than ten industries from around the county will be available to share any details about what their jobs entail and what they look for in potential employees. Continue reading

Ancilla College Introduces APAC Program

An open house and ribbon cutting ceremony was held Tuesday morning to usher in a new chapter to the array of specialized programs that Ancilla College offers its students. The Autism Program at Ancilla College (APAC) will help students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to build social and workplace skills along with academic and real-world knowledge.

Students with ASD may have superior intellectual ability but are challenged in social situations or have a communication gap. The APAC will allow growth in these aspects as the students gather skills in their post-secondary education.

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Donnelly Donates Pay to Ten Indiana Food Banks

Joe Donnelly
Senator Joe Donnelly
Ten food banks across Indiana received a monetary gift from Senator Joe Donnelly on Wednesday.

Donnelly donated his take-home pay for the 16 days of the federal government shutdown to the ten food banks in Indiana. The ten food banks each received a $500 gift from Donnelly.

Senator Donnelly refused to take the salary he received during the shutdown. This action by the federal government had a direct affect on families all over the state as well as businesses and the country’s economy.

The Food Bank of Northern Indiana in South Bend and the Food Finders Food Bank in Lafayette were two of the ten food banks that profited from this action.

Staffing at Congressional Offices Varies During Budget Shutdown

Joe Donnelly
Senator Joe Donnelly
U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly has shut down his six field offices throughout the state and transferred all calls to his Washington, D.C. office until the federal government shutdown is resolved. He’s also furloughed 33 of his 40 aides and plans to donate the paycheck he receives while the government is shut down to either a charity or the U.S. Treasury. Fellow Sen. Dan Coats and U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski have both asked that their pay be withheld during the shutdown. Salaries for House and Senate members as well as the President are protected under the Constitution. Coats has furloughed about half of his aides, according to the Indianapolis Star.

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Senate Passes Suicide Prevention Awareness Resolution

Joe Donnelly
Senator Joe Donnelly
The Senate Thursday night unanimously passed the resolution put forth by senators Joe Donnelly and Johnny Isakson in promotion of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, recognized in September of each year. Donnelly described the month as an opportunity for Americans to recognize and discuss suicide prevention and he is pleased that this bipartisan resolution passed the Senate.

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Senator Joe Donnelly to Host Open House

Joe Donnelly
Senator Joe Donnelly

Senator Joe Donnelly will host several open houses this week.

An open house is set for Friday, Sept. 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. ET in Fort Wayne at 204 East Berry Street, Suite 702 B. Senator Donnelly and a representative will also meet with constituents on Friday from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET at his regional office in downtown South Bend, 205 West Colfax Avenue.

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Donnelly Calls for Deficit Reduction As Tax Package Component

Joe Donnelly
Congressman Joe Donnelly
U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly is calling on his colleagues to reduce spending as part of the effort to overhaul the federal tax code. Donnelly sent a letter to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and ranking member Senator Orrin Hatch asking that they combine tax reform and spending cuts to put the country on the path to a balanced budget. Donnelly adds he looks forward to helping develop a tax code that is fair and fosters continued economic growth.

“While this process will require difficult choices, I strongly encourage the committee to use this opportunity to lay the foundation for long-term economic growth by investing in the fiscal security of our country,” Donnelly wrote.

Two Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Farmers’ Personal Information

Two senators on Tuesday introduced legislation aimed at protecting farmers and ranchers by prohibiting the Environmental Protection Agency from disclosing their private and confidential information to the public. Senators Joe Donnelly and Chuck Grassley introduced the Farmer Identity Protection Act after the EPA earlier this year released the personal and private information of many livestock and poultry owners from across the nation.

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Spirit of Enterprise Award Given to Indiana Senators

Thomas J. Donohue presents Senator Coats with the award
Thomas J. Donohue presents Senator Coats with the award

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Tuesday presented Senator Joe Donnelly and Senator Dan Coats of Indiana with the annual Spirit of Enterprise Award for their support of pro-jobs, pro-growth policies during the second session of the 112th Congress.

President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber, Thomas J. Donohue, said Senator Donnelly has provided America’s job creators with a strong voice in Congress. He also commended Senator Coats for his support of pro-business issues during the second session of the 112th Congress. Continue reading