The Starke County Park Board has opted to propose a solution to drainage issues alleged to be caused in the Starke County Forest.
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IU Health Officials Unveil Additional Hospital Plans
IU Health Starke Hospital officials are putting the finishing touches on the design of a new, state-of-the-art hospital. A second cardboard mock-up of the space is set up at the former Freeman Products building at the intersection of Culver Road and Klockner Drive in Knox. IU Health Starke Hospital President Craig Felty says they’ve taken public input to heart.
“We started out with four beds. Our first plan for this had 10 beds. Now we’re up to 13 beds with two of those being flex beds, and we also have the ability to buy bed sheets online for the upcoming beds. We have pre-op and post-op beds we can use for patients, and we’ve increased the amount of beds in the emergency department because our emergency department is really, really growing.” Continue reading
N.J.-S.P. Board Approves Budget, Teacher Contracts
The North Judson-San Pierre School Board last night approved a bare-bones budget for 2016. The $8 million general fund spending plan is down about $2.5 million from just a few years ago due to declining enrollment and changes in the way the state funds schools. General fund dollars are mainly used to pay teacher salaries and cover the cost of programs. Continue reading
Starke County Business of the Year Nominations Open
The Starke County Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for 2016 Business of the Year. Continue reading
Knox Library Closed Tomorrow
The Henry F. Schricker Public Library branch in Knox will be closed all day tomorrow, as workers put the finishing touches on the parking lot. Continue reading
Budget Adoption, Teacher Contracts on N.J.-S.P. Agenda
The North Judson-San Pierre School Board is poised to adopt an $8 million budget when they meet this evening. That’s down nearly $2.5 million over the past couple of years, according to corporation officials. They say declining enrollment and changes to state funding are to blame. The corporation is asking voters who live within the N.J.-S.P. school district to support a general fund referendum in November to make up the shortfall. Without it they say additional, painful cuts to programs and services will be necessary. Continue reading
Hospital Model Tours Scheduled Today and Thursday
Members of the public can check out the other half of the proposed new IU Health Starke Hospital this week. Workers have set up a scale model of the second half of the project at the former Freeman Products building at the corner of 300 East and Culver Road in Knox. Guided tours of the model, which has been dubbed “cardboard city” will be available from 4 until 6 p.m. today and Thursday. This part of the project features pharmacy, administration, registration, medical/surgical units and therapy services. Continue reading
Park Board To Continue Discussions on Forest, Bass Lake Beach
The Starke County Park Board will pick-up where it left off during a meeting later tonight.
Indiana Sees Rise in Deer Collision Odds
A major insurance company says Indiana drivers are 21-percent more likely to hit a deer than there were last year.
State Farm Insurance says this is the second straight year Indiana has seen the increase. Data is developed using the company’s claims and driver counts from the Federal Highway Administration.
Starke County Commissioners Award Bridge Bid
A LaPorte-based construction company will replace the bridge on 100 East wet of 500 South in Starke County. The commissioners unanimously accepted the low bid of $319,175 from LaPorte Construction. It’s $13,000 under the engineer’s estimate for the project. Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler notes they’ve done the last three bridge projects for the county and have done a good job. Continue reading
Starke Dems to Caucus September 23rd
The Starke County Democratic Party will caucus to find a new Coroner a little later this month.
A vacancy was created when former Coroner Adam Gray stepped down, citing professional and family reasons for the decision. Starke County has partnered with Jasper County in the interim to continue providing the Coroner service.
Solar Project Begins for Kankakee Valley REMC
Kankakee Valley REMC is planning to bring solar power to its Wanatah headquarters.
Best Friend of Cancer Patient Advocates for Awareness
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. A North Judson woman is advocating for awareness on behalf of her best friend of more than four decades, who was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer five years ago. Jill Rhoda says Debbie Johnston was getting her kindergarten classroom in Fort Wayne ready for another school year and wasn’t feeling well.
“She noticed things like shortness of breath and feeling full after eating a little amount of food. She said she would feel full like she’d just eaten a Thanksgiving dinner. Fatigue, different things that can be attributed to so many other illnesses.” Continue reading
Election Day Poll Workers Needed in Starke County
Poll workers are needed to handle Election Day duties at several precincts in Starke County. Voters who reside within the North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation will decide whether or not property taxes should be increased to cover a significant general fund shortfall. Continue reading
Three Candidates Have Filed for Starke County Coroner’s Seat
Three candidates have filed to run for the office of Coroner in Starke County.
Starke County EMS Reports Significant Billing Increase
Starke County EMS has taken in considerably more money to date than this time last year. From January through the end of August the service reported an increase in revenue of $53,000. Continue reading
Harvest Festival Pageant Scheduled Today
The Knox Harvest Festival returns next weekend, and royalty will reign over the festivities. The Little Miss and Mister Harvest Festival pageant starts at 3 p.m. today at the Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center in downtown Knox. Continue reading
North Judson Gets Insurance Rebate
The Town of North Judson is getting a rebate from its health insurance provider. Continue reading
Hunter Education Course Planned for October
Indiana Conservation Officers are holding a Hunter Education Course Saturday October 3 and Sunday October 4 at the Kankakee Fish & Wildlife Area. It will cover topics such as firearms safety, archery and muzzleloaders, treestand safety, and wildlife conservation. Continue reading
American Red Cross Shares WKVI Blood Drive Results
American Red Cross officials are pleased with the results of last month’s WKVI blood drive. The station hosted a bloodmobile in the parking lot of the studio at 400 West Culver Road on Monday, Aug. 3. A total of 19 donors registered, one was deferred, and 18 units of blood were collected. Of the donors, three registered to give blood for the first time. Continue reading