Harold Welter presented information about the Cheryl Lyn Welter Charitable Foundation to the West Central School Board on Thursday night. Superintendent Don Street said the board members were happy to help raise funds to help underprivileged students.
“We appreciate Harold coming to our school board meeting and presenting on the tax exempt charitable foundation for the purpose of providing grants to help teachers and others involved with local school children to provide small things that underprivileged students may not be able to afford,” said Street. “We appreciate Harold sharing that and making West Central a part of that.” Continue reading →
The West Central School Board may consider implementing e-Learning days in the school year.
An e-Learning day allows students to access assignments online to stay in a mode of study on days when a regular school day is closed due to inclement weather.
Superintendent Don Street said a recent survey showed that the opportunity may be favorable soon. Continue reading →
The West Central School Board members adopted the corporation’s 2018 budget when they met on Thursday.
Superintendent Don Street said the 2018 budget is similar to last year’s numbers. According to Indiana Gateway, the budget is listed at $9,933,348 with $200,000 in the Bus Replacement Plan and $1.1 million in the budget for capital projects.
The West Central School Board members received enrollment information during their meeting on Thursday night.
Superintendent Don Street said the official count was taken on Friday, Sept. 15.
“Our current enrollment is 775 students which is down from last year,” explained Street. Fifty-six of those students live outside of our school district.”
The West Central School Board took the next necessary steps in order to move forward with a project to improve safety at all of the building entrances on the school’s campus.
Superintendent Don Street said some aspects of the schools would need to be redesigned to compensate for the upgrade in security. Continue reading →
The West Central School Board will meet in a work session yet this month to discuss school renovation plans.
The board members reviewed blueprints Thursday night presented by Adam Weesner from Barton-Coe-Vilamaa with plans to redesign the school’s entrances and rehabilitate the utilization of space. The project is planned for construction in the spring of 2018.
The West Central School Board is considering a change to the middle and high school schedule in order to better accommodate standardized and college preparatory testing. They’re currently on a block four schedule. That means students take four classes each day and meet for longer periods. As a result, some students are still in the midst of instruction on subjects covered on ISTEP and other end of course assessments in math, biology and language arts when the tests roll around. Continue reading →
The West Central Elementary School recently received a grant from the Pulaski Alliance Community Education, or PACE, organization.
Superintendent Don Street said the $15,000 grant helps gives books to students for special occasions, including the summer Bookmobile. The money also assists in the purchase of management of reading diagnostic software.
PACE activities range from support for preschool programs to coordination of adult education initiatives.
The West Central School Corporation will see another significant state funding cut to the General Fund budget in the 2016-2017 school year.
Superintendent Don Street gave the school board the hard figures during their meeting last week.
“Based on the state legislature, it is projected that West Central will be down about $300,000 for the 2016-2017 school year in the General Fund,” explained Street. “All of that is based upon our enrollment.”
After looking at the price of meals at the West Central School Corporation, the school board decided to increase the price of breakfast and lunch prices for the 2015-2016 school year.
Superintendent Don Street says the breakfast prices went up slightly, while a little more was added to lunch prices.
School lunch prices may increase at the West Central School Corporation after the school board convenes this evening. Superintendent Don Street said the school board will be reviewing a proposal to slightly increase prices for the 2015-2016 school year.
Students participating in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes program at the West Central School Corporation were successful in collecting funds for the Pennies for Patients initiative.
The goal was set at $2,500, but Superintendent Don Street told WKVI News that the goal was surpassed. The students collected over $3,000 to benefit patients who are part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Any loose change was donated by students in the high school, middle school, and elementary school.
Students at the West Central School Corporation participated in their first e-learning day of instruction on Saturday, March 14. The school board reviewed returned surveys last week following the experience.
Superintendent Don Street said that the responses were favorable for this type of method in making up missed days of instruction.
“Out of the parents that responded to the survey, 87.4 percent found that the e-learning day was effective,” explained Street. “From the students that responded to the survey, 65.6 percent found e-learning to be effective. Forty-nine of our staff members responded with 85.7 percent stating that our students made the expectations for the day.”
West Central students have missed six days of school due to bad traveling conditions this winter. The school board has approved three of those days to be made up with e-learning days.
Superintendent Don Street said they’re getting ready for the first e-learning day on Saturday, March 14.
“Our staff has been busy preparing and getting ready for some of the items that are necessary in helping our students be successful with e-learning days,” said Street.
The West Central School Board heard a report from Principal Patrick Culp and others who recently went to Indianapolis to accept a $82,355 Region 1 Works Council for a Career and Technical Education innovative-curriculum grant.
The grant will fund a Pulaski County Repair and Maintenance Technology program at West Central High School. Superintendent Don Street says a program for machine maintenance will assist students in giving them the skills they need to be productive in local industry.
The West Central School Board held a work session last week to look at the corporation’s strategic plan.
Superintendent Don Street said a presentation of the progression of the one-to-one technology program was given which led into the discussion of e-learning days. Street said the state has approved the corporation’s request to make up missed school days on Saturdays.
“Our first one is March 14 and a few will be held in April as opposed to adding those days on at the end of the year. This will make it a more meaningful and educationally related to our students,” said Street.
The students will receive assignments on Friday which will be due on Monday. The Board also discussed how the staff will prepare for e-learning days.
Principal Patrick Culp discussed a change in classes at the middle school level.
“We’re currently on a four-period day. We would be dividing a couple of those periods up for English and Mathematics. We would go to an eight-period day where those students would get instruction for 40 minutes and go into a lab setting for 40 minutes to get extra assistance if needed.”
More advanced learners would get more challenging assignments during that lab time.
No final decisions were made, but information from the work session will be presented at the March board meeting for approval.
The West Central School Board members discussed their capital projects plan during a work session last week.
Superintendent Don Street said that one focus in the next three years will be work at the high school.
“It’s kind of an aging building so we discussed sewer drains, water lines, water, electric panels, lighting, windows, doors, security, restrooms, storage, locker rooms, sidewalks, and fitness facilities were all discussed. We’ll come back to this later in the spring and review many of those items that we see as a need for the future,” said Street.
The West Central School Board has a work session planned for next week.
Superintendent Don Street said the board will not be focused on one single item. The board will be discussing the overall scope of school operations at the corporation and the strategic plan.
West Central School Corporation students could make up school days missed if the Department of Education approves the corporation’s application to incorporate e-learning days into the school calendar.
Superintendent Don Street said students have missed four days of school due to snow so far this semester.
“We have to built-in snow days so we will go to school on February 16 and April 20 to make up two days. Currently, we have two days that are still outstanding,” said Street.