Back-to-School Vaccination Reminder

bewiseAre back-to-school vaccinations on your end of the summer to-do-list? If not, they should be. Regardless of what grade your child is going into, there are required immunizations they must receive or have listed on their medical records. The requirements and recommendations are in alignment with the routine vaccination schedules from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Continue reading

Pulaski County Health Department Unable to Provide for Medicaid After July 1

Individuals covered under Medicaid or by private insurance will soon have a hard time finding health service in Pulaski County. Starting July 1, new federal guidelines state that the Pulaski County Health Department can no longer provide service to those covered under Medicaid if a Medicaid provider exists in the county, and individuals covered by insurance for vaccines can also no longer receive service from the Health Department.  Because the Health Department is not a Medicaid provider, and a provider does indeed exist in the county, the Health Department will be unable to render services to those individuals. They are currently looking into becoming a provider, but it can be a long process.

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